Streamroot becomes the 5th LeCamping alumnus to join TechStars

Streamroot becomes the 5th LeCamping alumnus to join TechStars

Earlier this month, TechStars announced the Techstars Boston Fall 2014 class, which included among the dozen startups the Paris-based Streamroot, a native peer-to-peer video streaming technology startup. Streamroot’s founders participated in the 5th seasons of LeCamping at the end of last year, the last season before NUMA will being taking equity stakes in its startups.

Between now & November 12th, Streamroot will run a gauntlet of feedback, product & customer development, and, if all goes well, fundraising meetings; however, they have a long line of LeCamping predecessors who have participated in TechStars before them, who will be able to guide them through the process:

Doctrackr (LeCamping Season 1), a security startup which pitched itself as the real-life incarnation of Mission Impossible’s self-destructing messages, participated in TechStars Boston in Winter 2012 – the company relocated to Massachusetts after raising money following Techstars, and subsequently was acquired by Intralinks last year. DocTrackr was Following Doctrackr,

qunb (LeCamping Season 2) was accepted into TechStars Boston, as they fought to position themselves as the YouTube for data. The company later went on to win the LeWeb Startup Competition, after which they pivoted to one-click data visualization, focusing first on Google Analytics data and telling a story with your data.

Later in 2013, Sketchfab (LeCamping Season 3) was accepted into TechStars NYC after raising an angel round. They’ve since seen explosive growth, raised a venture roundintegrated with Photoshop, Kickstarter & more, and have positioned themselves within the 3D imaging space.

Earlier this year, Infinit (LeCamping Season 2) was accepted into TechStars NYC. The company raised $500K in 2013, and €1.3 Million earlier this year, and looks to change peer-to-peer file-sharing as we know it.

Outside of LeCamping, French startups Psykosoft and have also participated in TechStars, making France one of the most represented countries behind the US & UK.