HeyCrowd has seen 400% growth since LeWeb with 30K+ Polls created


Social polling platform HeyCrowd has always been a pasttime favorite of mine – upon launching the application, I am instantly posed questions. When I like them, I answer, and try to see whether my answer was the most voted. When I don’t like the question, I just skip it and go to the next one – usually when it’s related to some French cultural reference that is beyond me. I get a lot of questions about geek things, because I subscribed to the Geek category. I’d probably get less questions in French if I unsubscribed from the France category, but I like to test my French skills and try to figure out the cultural references, so I keep subscribed to it.

And that’s pretty much all there is to it.

I caught up with HeyCrowd this past week, because they told me they were looking to hire an intern in order to deal with the increased activity since LeWeb. 8 Million votes on 30,000 polls and counting, that’s an average of 260 votes per poll. In their most recent update, HeyCrowd Founders Emmanuel Bellity and Matthieu Rouif said that their main focus is to make the content easier to share, and easier to access – and it shows. I usually go through a few dozen questions before I realized I’ve missed my metro stop or the waters boiling over on the stove.

Fellow writer Wessel Kooyman and I in the front row at LeWeb laughing during HeyCrowd's pitch

HeyCrowd’s community is growing quickly, and their looking for a Content & Community Management Intern in order to expand their team, This is definitely a great opportunity to work with a team that has gained international exposure, and is well on their way to being the next $1Billion Valuation!