This Friday, Rude Baguette will continue its Rude Hangout series by welcoming Yann Lechelle, co-founder & “coder” of Appsfire, a startup creating a mobile ad network, among other things. I’ll be broadcasting live from General Assembly’ European Buffet in London, going on this whole week. The event idea is simple:
- Each week, I’ll livestream a video chat between myself & a prominent member of the French startup ecosystem.
- Event Attendees will receive a URL for a Google Hangout On-Air the day of the event (3:30PM Friday December 16th) on the event page (this is the part where you click through the event and click ‘attending’ – we’ll wait)
- Live viewers will be able to ask questions via the event page wall, and, in some occasions, we may invite viewers to ask their questions live by joining in the video conversation.
- For those who miss out, we will post the video on the bottom of this post after the hangout, or you can watch it in YouTube.
Yann & I will be talking mobile – Yann spoke at AppDays last week about mobile, and hopefully he’ll have some ideas to share about the mobile space in France and abroad. We’ll also be talking about the startup ecosystem, and anything else you want to hear from him – technical, business, or otherwise!
If you’d like to join me for a Rude Hangout in the coming months, shoot me an email with a bit about yourself and what you’d want to talk about.