Archive for March 2012
Web2Day announces Speakers & a startup competition!
Web2Day, organized at La Cantine in Nantes, France, has opened up its earlybird and student tickets for its two day event coming May 31st- June 1st. The Rude Baguette is proud to be a Media Sponsor for the event, which has already lined up some pretty exciting speakers, including Paul Rouget from Mozilla, the infamous Cedric […]
Leetchi now has a YC-backed competitor – The race is on!
YC Demo day happened last week, and one of their companies soudned eerily familiar to Leetchi's social payment platform "Crowdtilt is changing the way we pool funds with friends." - Looks like the race is on.
RUDE VC – Last question: gimme your password
Imagine this scenario: You just completed a full day of second-round interviews at the Company’s premises following your successfully making the first cut at their on-campus recruiting session. It was a long, grueling day, but you feel good about the positive impression you made on everyone. Your well-prepared questions clearly hit the mark, and you […]
Why Startup Weekend Paris tickets cost €200
This upcoming weekend, DojoBoost accelerator program will host a special edition of Startup Weekend Paris. The first of five (that’s right, FIVE) startup weekends that will happen in Paris this year, the first event of the year is a Tech Special Edition. The special event will consist of a high developer/designer-to-business ratio, and the talks and […]
Recruiting a developer in France [SERIES 1/4] – The Interview
A job interview is a scary thing. A lot hangs in the balance for both parties. The goal should be to thoroughly learn about this person, and see if they are a good fit for the job position, and also for your company, and for your team.
Hollande needs to get Big Business off of Engineering School Boards
François Hollande, the socialist candidate currently running for the French presidential election, will be elected in May. He says he counts on the small and medium companies to boost the French economy, which dearly needs it.
Loic Le Meur sets a great example. Again.
By now you’ve all heard the news about Seesmic‘s big layoffs. Clearly they’ve been having trouble getting traction on their latest incarnation, and we speculated about their future prospects right here a couple months ago. In this very candid interview with Venturebeat, Seesmic founder and French startup pioneer Loic Le Meur takes full responsibility for […]
Sacha Greif's eBook "Step-by-Step UI Design" goes viral
Earlier this week I received an email from French freelance designer Sacha Greif – the subject of the email was entitled “I wrote an eBook.” I chuckled to myself as I looked at it on my phone: of course I knew he wrote an eBook. Even if I didn’t follow him on twitter, I undoubtedly […]
Why I don't advise entrepreneurs to work from home
Yesterday I wrote an article about the difference between accelerators, incubators, co-working spaces, offices, and houses; the article was meant to talk about how certain locations are best suited for certain types of startups and types of entrepreneurs. In the comments section, readers got upset that I said that people working at home tend to […]
RUDE VC: Asking a VC for a job. Do's and Don'ts.
Last week I received a job inquiry which consisted of a CV attached to the following email (translated more or less verbatim): Dear Mr. Bivens Student at [local university], I’m looking for a job in private equity in Paris. Competitive, aggressive, and dominant on the French private equity market, Truffle Capital is the enterprise corresponding […]