Archive for July 2012
Rude VC on the Board of Directors: Control vs Support
Admittedly, I still have a lot to learn about how to be a good boardmember. It’s still early days into my second career after selling my company and becoming a VC. I haven’t even witnessed a full decade-spanning macroeconomic cycle, which is a prerequisite for a venture capitalist to become an experienced practitioner. I am, […]
France Digitale launches with a *bang*: French Startups make 1 Billion Euros per year!
Yesterday morning, Elaia Partners’ Marie Ekeland and Meninvest’s Marc Ménasé welcomed what seemed to be the entire Parisian startup scene at the Pavillon Vendôme to announce the launch of France Digitale, the association created to lobby the French government. Among the invited masses and speakers was Fleur Pellerin, the Minister of the Digital Economy in France, […]
DragonBox: gaming children into learning algebra
The claim that a game could teach basic algebra, symbol manipulation, and equation solving in a few hours, while being truly fun and engaging, sounds just like another inflated marketing pitch. But play DragonBox, by We Want To Know, and this suddenly seems like an understatement. Stop bitching, start a revolution The universal challenge of […]
France says goodbye to Minitel
This article was meant to go out on June 30th, but was delayed due to our servers being down.Read more about it here. June 30th marked the end of an era here in France. It was the day that Minitel permanently went off-line. For those readers who are unfamiliar with Minitel (basically those outside of France) […]
Down, but not out: A look at The Rude Baguette's team & future
Last Thursday night at around 10:00PM, as I was writing up an article, Dreamhost, our webhosting provider, decided that they didn’t want to display The Rude Baguette any more, and instead Error 500 mocked all who tried. If ever there is a way to affirm your readers’ interest in your site, having your site down […]