Archive for August 2012
BSA Study finds general lack of awareness about cloud computing in Europe
Business Software Alliance (BSA), released yesterday a global study on the adoption of cloud computing [FR] amongst PC users globally. While their results showed that cloud computing is generally taking hold amongst PC users in most regions, at first glance, Europe looks to be lagging a bit behind. More specifically, only 1 PC user in 4 states […]
Boostrapping: the Steady Strategy of Adictiz
Adictiz is a mobile and social games developper based in Lille, France. They have been bootstrapping for 4 years now, and they have grown into a profitable company that has managed to balance out a product strategy with a real service strategy. Product start-ups usually need a breadwinner on the side if they’re bootstrapping. […]
5 Entrepreneurial Lessons from Neil Armstrong's Legacy
Here at RudeBaguette, what drives staff columnists and subscribers alike is the shared glory and dream of entrepreneurship. Whether you’ve launched a brick-and-mortar startup or mobile app, the conception of an idea is a miraculous one. Nearly three decades ago, a man exited a spacecraft and planted both his feet on the surface of the […]
PR for Start-ups (series 2/3): Paying for PR
This is the second guest article submitted by an experienced Press Relations professional who is currently working for a prominent European PR group, and wished to remain anonymous. There will come a time when you’ll have to start paying someone to do your PR. This point is usually situated somewhere between your series B […]
Retail VCs: pivot or perish ?
It’s been a hot, lazy summer in most of France (far superior to last year, weather-wise, thank goodness). But in at least one sector of France people struggled to completely relax: the private equity / venture capital firms whose principal sources of funds are tax-incentivized “retail” investors. Such retail fund vehicles are a fairly uniquely […]
Pussyfooting around Hadopi, the French ACTA law
Hadopi has been described and debated at length and is in a nutshell a little French ACTA[FR]. The socialist party, from which the new French president Francois Hollande came, had stated in its program as a party that Hadopi would be scrapped. Then, when Hollande won his party’s primaries, he didn’t feel too bound by […]
eBooks to play a more prominent role during upcoming French literary season
Each year at ‘la rentrée’ (the late Aug-early Sept back to school / back to work period) France’s literary season kicks-off with the release of a vast array of new books. This year’s literary season is expected to be an active one, with the release of 646 new titles [FR]. As avid readers [FR], the […]
McDonalds tests Paypal mobile payments in France
McDonald’s, lovingly referred to as McDo here in France, just started testing a new mobile payments system in 30 outlets across France (specifically in Paris, Lyon, Nice, Toulouse and Reims) where customers can use McDo’s new mobile app or website to order and pay via Paypal. Although it looks like there’s some initial scepticism about the level […]
TUI blames losses on France's Stay-cation trend
At work, I am fairly stressed. I edit documents, organize productions, and when I’m really unlucky I have meetings to attend as soon as I arrive- thus skipping the sacred breakfast. When it’s all said and done, work sucks. This is why vacation was invented. Vacation is a luxury to some and but a healthy […]
France's Cloud Startups (series): A closer look at We Are Cloud – BIME
We Are Cloud – BIME is one of the fast-growing success stories in the space of cloud computing in France. Founded in 2007 by Rachel Delacour and Nicolas Raspal, their objective was to transform the world of business intelligence (BI) by creating a simple-to-use, accessible, analytically sophisticated, cloud BI solution. They’ve had quite a few impressive […]