Archive for October 2012
Qualtera launches Silicondash for semiconductor wafer yield analysis
Earlier this week I was introduced to Paul Simon, Dutch co-founder of Qualtera, based in Montpellier, France. Having formerly worked at various Semiconductor giants like Philips, NXP & PDF in testing & yield management, Paul co-founded Qualtera in 2010 to make semiconductor testing easier & more efficient. Last week, the company launched Silicondash, a cloud-based […]
Pearltrees rolls out V1.0 with its Premium Membership
Just a few months after we sat down with Pearltrees CEO Patrice LaMothe for an interview about their topping of the US iPhone AppStore, Pearltrees have today announced that their social library has launched it’s v1.0, and is rolling out the long-awaited business model. Pearltrees’ launch is decorated with a few interesting figures: 700,000 collaborators […]
360° Capital Partners long awaited new fund
Earlier this month, It was reported that 360° Capital Partners had raised a new fund of 60 million euros. Originally announced on Les Echos, the fund will be making seed stage investments of 200K€-1M€, as well as more classic series A/B tickets of 2M€-5M€. According to Emmanuele Levi, an associate at the VC firm, at […]
Rude Baguette is one year old | How are we doing so far?
The Rude Baguette launched on possible one of the worst days to launch a blog – Halloween – and yet, that day, 10,000 people read our first few blog posts. Such great articles as “Siri isn’t socialist” and “What’s wrong with being a copycat?” set the stage for what would be an interesting year. The […]
GA European Buffet: now with 100% more Rude Baguette
As part of General Assembly’s European Buffet, a week-long event features immersive workshops with a variety of themes, GA will be hosting a free Petit Dejeuner with The Rude Baguette. The event will be Friday November 16th, in London, from 9:00AM-10:30AM. In addition to chatting with entrepreneurs and startupers, I’ll be giving a talk on how […]
Tech brands increasingly Dominate Life in France
Technology continues to rapidly transform the daily lives of people around the world and perhaps even more so in France. Each year Havas Media, in conjunction with CSA, does a study to assess what the top 20 most prominent brands in the lives of the French [FR]. Their study is extremely comprehensive, covering almost 4k consumers […]
Rhou! The #geonpi movement closes officially
With the PLF2013 approved in the National Assembly, and with the Senate set to vote on it the week of November 22nd, the #geonpi Facebook page announced today that it would close its Facebook page. Thanking the 70K+ fans of the page for their support in the 30 days since the page’s creation, the page noted […]
Elaia Partners closes 45M€ fund for seed stage
Elaia Partners announced this morning a closing of a new 45M€ fund, Elaia Alpha. The fund is dedicated to seed stage startups, and while a part of it will be dedicated to investing 500K€-1M€ tickets to startups raising a seed stage around, there will also be a portion of the fund dedicated to investing smaller tickets […]
RIP French Super Angels: don't fall in the new funding trap
Jerome Camblain runs Camblain Advisory in London he also angel-invest in French and UK startups for over 15 years. You can follow him on twitter at @CamblainAdvisor. The French recent tax changes and its effects on the startups ecosystem have been commented a lot, and rightly so. The first money you raise, whether you call it “Love Money”, […]
France doesnt need more accelerators, it needs more mentors
This article is written specifically using my knowledge of the French ecosystem, but I think that this easily applies to any “emerging” ecosystem – every ecosystem outside of the Silicon Valley, New York & London can be seen as “emerging.” I’m often asked what I think is the best incubator, accelerator, co-working space or cafe […]