Contact manager WriteThat.Name launches AddMe, a cloud-based email signature


Paris-based startup WriteThat.Name announced today the launch of their latest contact management tool, AddMe, which allows users to create a signature which they can add to their email, which syncs up with their contact information stored on WriteThat.Name. Launched in 2011, WriteThat.Name has been keeping address books up to date   for thousands of users, and this latest tools will help build on their contact management expertise.

The tool is quite simple, like any email signature – in three easy steps you create your email signature, WriteThat.Name uses its semantic engine to identify your emails, phone numbers, and other social profiles, and organizes them. Then you simply add the email signature to your gmail signature and provide users with quick access to your contact information, which can be updated through WriteThat.Name, meaning that even if contacts go back to an old email to search for your contact information, they will still get your most recent contact information.

WriteThat.Name’s suite of contact management applications are quite extensive. They have a web app to manage your contacts, integration options with CRMs like High Rise, the ability to scan previous emails up to 1 year to retrieve old contact information, and the ability to sync multiple email accounts into one master address book. I think ultimately, my problem with WriteThat.Name has been its inability to render itself indispensable to users. While contact management isn’t the sexiest topic in the world, it is a pain point that any semi-active email user has, and while “Inbox Zero” and the world of email management has inspired apps like Mailbox – whose app essentially revolved around the email management known as Inbox Zeor –  to be acquired by Dropbox for upwards of $100 Million, WriteThat.Name has yet to achieve that kind of intrigue from users.

Perhaps a merger or partnership is in WriteThat.Name’s future with a non-email contact management too like CoBook, who recently launched their LiveCard automatically updated contact information – there are clear synergies here between the two startups, which alone rest as “nice-to-Haves” but together may become the ultimate CRM add-on for enterprise users.