Mozilla kicks it off big at their new Paris office next week with a FirefoxOS hackathon & more!

Mozilla kicks it off big at their new Paris office next week with a FirefoxOS hackathon & more!
Starting on June 9th, Mozilla kicks off a week of events targeted at both the Mozilla and Paris tech communities to celebrate the recent opening of their new Paris office. They’ve lined up a series of great events for the week, of which many focus squarely on the developer and broader Paris tech community, including:

  • Mozilla Hack-a-thon (Sunday 9th 10h – 20h):: This is a great chance for developers to hang out, hack, and develop apps for the new Firefox OS. There’s great prizes to be had too as the winner will walk away with a Firefox OS developer phone.
mozilla spaceI was fortunate to have had the chance to check out their new space thanks to Tristan Nitot, Mozilla Europe founder and lead Mozilla evangelist. It’s a super cool space that perfectly captures the techie, collaborative, open source spirit of Mozilla. They very much want to make it a space that fosters openness and collaboration for the broader Paris tech community and, of course, Mozillians. With this in mind, they’ve decided to host a week of events welcoming the broader community to their new space.
I recently caught up with Mozilla’s global recruiting director, Mathew Caldwell who’s leading the organization of the event week to get more background on what they have planned for next week and beyond:
Looks like you have a packed week of great events.  Why are you focusing on these types of events for Paris?  
There are several factors that went in to the decision to focus on these events.  We are very excited about our new space in Paris.  Paris is the oldest volunteer community we have and is one of the most influential historically and with our current endeavors.  The passion that the French community has around keeping the web open and free as well as the quality of talent in the region makes it a natural choice for an expanded office.  With this new space we have the ability to hire more individuals to help us with our mission.  With this new space we have the ability to grow the volunteer community as well as host many different initiatives of the French volunteer community to further our mission.  By focusing on these events, we are able to showcase our ability to support the volunteer community, showcase the office space and highlight the opportunities to be work for Mozilla locally.
I see that one of the events is a recruiting luncheon.  How will that work?  What types of people are you looking for?
The recruiting luncheon is an opportunity for anyone who is interested in working with Mozilla either as a volunteer or as an employee to come in and check out the space, find out some facts about Mozilla’s past, present and future in both France and Europe as a whole and to find out about our future recruiting strategy in Paris and in Europe.  There will be speakers that are from the French office as well as from HQ in Mountain View, California.  There will be some good food and an opportunity to check out the space.

I understand that France is a really strong market for Mozilla. Why is that?  What’s the history?
As I mentioned earlier, our French volunteer community is our oldest community.  There are a couple of factors.  One is that we have some visionaries in the open source space who are from Paris and were very instrumental in launching FireFox 1.0.  Another is that the French community in general is very passionate about our mission; it aligns very well with the values and belief’s of much of the French community.

Your new office is really a great space and definitely seems to capture the spirit of Mozilla.  What kind of environment are you looking to encourage there?  What types of events and other activities for the Mozilla community and broader Paris tech ecosystem do you hope to hold there in the future?
It is a great space!  We love it!  We will of course be encouraging openness.  We want the space to be a place that fosters open collaboration of ideas that further the open web.  We want the space to allow for volunteers and employees to come together to collaborate on the most difficult and exciting problems and projects that we have.  We want the space to be a hub for the local Paris tech community in general.  We hope that this space is viewed as a place where anyone in the tech space who has a passion and motivation for keeping the web open, free and accessible to all will want to come and explore that with us.

If you want to attend one or more of the ‘Mozilla Paris Week’ events, get more details and sign-up here

Event Details

Timing:  Events daily from June 9th – 12th, see event site for specific details

Location:  16 Boulevard Montmartre, 75009 Paris