Make a difference…Join Geeklist’s #Hack4Good on October 4 – 6th!

Make a difference…Join Geeklist’s #Hack4Good on October 4 – 6th!


After launching a very successful first #Hack4Good hackathon which produced 48 incredible projects Geeklist, a global social network linking nearly 100k developers, will be holiding it’s second installement on October 4 – 6th across the globe. For all those unfamiliar with #Hack4Good, its purpose is to work for Humanity, striving to find solutions to improve the lives of citizens and solve global problems. #Hack4Good is truly a global event with teams from Paris, San Francisco, Los Angeles, NYC, Moscow, London, Tel Aviv, Cincinnati, San Diego, Minsk, and Santiago all hacking together for 48 hours to come up with solutions to some of society’s most challenging problems.

When the Geeklist team were coming up with ideas for their next big idea to engage the developer / hacker community, they wanted to create something big, challenging and ambitious. As Geeklist’s Ed Paulombo put it in this great blog post about #Hack4Good (here):

When planning our Geeklist #hack4good we chose a different path. There are problems that already exist. Problems that affect the lives of people that don’t have the latest smartphone, people that aren’t in traffic, people that don’t have scheduling conflicts or LinkedIn profiles, dinner plans, or even a plan for dinner tonight, or tomorrow. There are problems that already scale, because of earthquakes, flooding, fires and famine. There are verticals as large as 99% of the population. We chose to make this a hackathon for good above all else.

The Paris location for the event will be at Deezer’s super cool new Paris offices.  There will be prizes awarded but, of course, the biggest prize is working together to tackle some of the world’s most daunting social problems.

So if you’re a super talented hacker/developer, UX expert or product guru, make sure to sign-up here (and, it’s free for paritcipants).

If you’d like to bring #Hack4Good to your city, reach out to the organizers here.