Archive for October 2013
How to reach a global audience and get Orange as your first client
We have previously covered Orange Fab – the insanely attractive acceleration program for US based startups. The first season of the program has just finished and Orange is already preparing to launch Season 2 with applications opening in just a few weeks from now. During the first season over a 100 companies applied, of […]
The Rude Baguette turns two-years-old today. Happy Birthday to us.
Today is a pretty special day for us at the Rude Baguette. If you’ve ever wondered why our website colors are Orange & Black, today might be the eye-opener you were looking for. The Rude Baguette launched two years ago with one small mission: to provide 100% transparency, visibility & access into the French Tech […]
10 Tips for building a killer startup, according to Moshi Monsters CEO Michael Acton Smith
The following is a guest post from Mike Sottak, President of Wire Island International. You can follow him on Twitter at @WiredIslandPR Everybody loves Top 10 lists so it only seemed fitting that the Dublin Web Summit included a version of its own, aptly aimed at the entrepreneurial crowd. Playfully presented by kid’s entertainment ‘rock star’ […]
Location, location, location – VCs & founders agree it plays a role in success
The following is a guest post from Mike Sottak, President of Wired Island International. You can follow him on Twitter at @WiredIslandPR How important is location for starting a high tech venture these days? That was the question debated on a couple of morning panels at the Dublin Web summit, with panelists agreeing that no location […]
Taking Windows apps by storm Allmyapps boasts over 1 million monthly users
The popular service from allmyapps has just announced their latest milestone of 1.2 million users every month. Since their revamp of the service to V2 roughly one year ago they’ve come a long way and their monthly users are here to prove it. According to their latest data, allmyapps’ users have now downloaded an astonishing […]
The Silicon Valley’s role in Narrowing the Funding Gap in Europe
Europe is evidently a central topic in the panel discussions evolving at Disrupt Berlin. One of the related recurring subjects is funding and european market. Here’s what some of the speakers at the conferences had to say about that, in particular : Roberto Bonanzinga from Balderton Capital, Sonali de Rycker from Accel Partners, Saul Klein […]
Saul Klein kicks off Dublin Web Summit, sheds light on Risk in Europe
The following is a guest post from Mike Sottak, President of Wire Island International. You can follow him on Twitter at @WiredIslandPR Setting the tone early, Index Ventures partner Saul Klein kicked off the fourth annual Dublin Web Summit, speaking to a standing room only crowd on the economics of risk. Klein, who knows a bit about […]
RudeVC: Don’t shoot the messenger (App)
In continuity of last week’s piece on the arrival the Japanese mobile game models to Europe, I thought it appropriate to discuss another tech trend in Asia which makes me enthusiastic for potential investment opportunities, even here on the old continent: the next-generation of mobile messaging apps. Most Europeans are familiar with WhatsApp, Viber, Kik, […]
Get paid for your food recipes, a disruptive model in the food business
After Youmiam’s innovative approach to recipe sharing, the new company Recipay aims to revolutionize the cookery applications market. The new service brings a business model innovation to this recently revived market. By creating a win-win platform, Recipay can reward users with 15€ or 10€ for every recipe that they add to the platform, depending on […]
Criteo starts trading today – $2 Billion valuation ($31/share) hailed as ‘AdTech deal of the year’
The long-awaited French IPO has arrived – Criteo will start trading today, and the word around the IPO is positive. The company initially expected to raised under $200 Million in their Initial Public Offering at a $28/share price is now expected to clear $30 per share by the end of the day, according to a […]