Archive for October 2013
Does your business stand out from the crowd? Apply for the awards by October 27th [Update], the fast rising star in the online printing business, is sending out a call for businesses with “ideas, stories and innovations that genuinely stand out from the crowd” to apply to their annual awards. Unlike some competitions that focus solely on your end product and the demo, the awards seek to understand […]
Startup Sauna and SLUSH to heat up the pitching competition in Paris on October 15th
Pitching competition tours around Europe are getting more and more frequent, and Paris is evidently one of the top places to stop. If you are a young French startup willing to impress people in the industry, raise (more) funds or simply improve your pitching skills, then save the date on October 15th, as Startup Sauna […]
Debunking the French Government’s recent proposals to define crowdfunding: What is and isn’t being regulated
The following is a guest post by Aurélie Daniel, Cofounder & CEO of Beyond Croissant & blogger at En 20 Lignes, who has a Master’s in Business Law from the Institut d’Etudes Politques de Paris. You can find her on Linkedin or follow her on Twitter @aureliedaniel. The French Government has recently proposed changes to establish a legal framework for […]
The USA & France are both going through revolutions, inspired by each other.
One of the key signs, I believe, of a revolution – that is, a spurt of change in the culture, whether achieved peacefully or through violence – is when the misalignment between the will of a people and the actions of its representatives in government increases towards an intangible point of critical mass.We’ve seen this […]
Interviewing “Mr. Asia” on the plethora of French founders in Asia
Benjamin Joffe aka « Mr Asia » is a leading expert on Asia’s startup ecosystems who has worked in this area over the past 13 years (China, Japan, Korea, South-East Asia). Founder of the digital strategy firm Plus Eight Star, he is also a Mentor at 500 Startups (US) and 5 other startup accelerators. He currently lives in […]
Facebook challenges Twitter as the Second Screen; partners with France’s largest TV Channels
This week during MIPCOM, an entertainment & content industry event organized by Reed Midem (which purchased LeWeb last year), Facebook announced a partnership with TF1 & Canal+, respectively the largest free & paid-access TV groups in the French market, which will provide the TV stations access to Facebook’s new Keyword Insights API. The tool, which […]
Global Invest Her, putting women on the right track to get funded
Having spent almost 20 years in global corporate business development and led several initiatives as an intrapreneur, Anne Ravanona decided that she wanted to finally realise her dual dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and developing a platform to help other women entrepreneurs obtain funding and succeed. As a result, Global Invest Her, an on and […]’s latest design updates bring discovery & recommendation through Interest Channels has been quite busy since it raised a round of funding ($2.6M) earlier this year and subsequently moved most of the non-technical team to the Silicon Valley. With other curation players like Pulse (acquired by LinkedIn), Flipboard, & the fleet of curating RSS readers out there, needed to quickly differentiate itself if it […]
Code in the Dark: 5 takeaways for startups about how to treat your Devs
On September 27th I attended the first Code in the Dark event in Paris, put together by the Rude Baguette and the Tictail team. I’ll admit I was quite dubious about the event before going but came back enthusiastic, impressed, and inspired. The basic premise for the Code in the Dark is straightforward: each round, […]
New figures around Twitter’s mobile adoption in Europe may raise eyebrows from IPO analysts
A recent report by mobile app analytics company Onavo has shed light into Twitter’s penetration (or lack thereof) into the European Market. The study, which benchmarks Social Media apps Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter & Vine based on their traffic in August, looks at gender & age breakdowns, but it also examined Twitter’s global reach by […]