Though Google Glass has yet to launch, it has created quite a lot of buzz and jumpstarted the conversation about the future of Wearable Tech. Most commonly used by white men who want photos of them with the latest gadget, Google Glass has its own dedicated Glass Store, and thus, the opportunity for a Hackathon.
A few official hackathons have already taken place in the United States; however, because Google Glass is technically only available in the US and not even cleared for commercialization in Europe, there’s been a distinct lack of Glass-hacking. Until now.
The guys at GlassCamp, a Paris-based group of Glass enthusiasts, are organizing a Hackathon in just 10 days – in fact, today is the last day that you can apply to participate. The hackathon is open to Android & Web Developers, in addition to Designers, marketers & community managers who are interested in building cool Glass hacks.
The event is taking place at Web School Factory, where co-organize Josse Blais is currently a student. The event will supply Google Glass for each of the teams, which will be hand-selected by the organizers in order to create a good mix of profiles.