Reputation management has always been a subject that has caused many a corporate leader to lose sleep. In the old school model, corporations would task corporate communication managers and contract PR firms to help tightly ‘control’ the messages they conveyed to the external world. In a pre-digital world, this worked fairly well, however with the advent of social media which offers consumers, customers and other stakeholders platform to instantaneously diffuse information and opinions, the whole subject of reputation management has been completely turned on its head.
These days, maintaining a positive reputation presents an even bigger challenge for organizations and, now, individuals than ever before. After a very successful first 2013, the organizers of ReputationWar will again bring their conference of reference on the subject to Paris on 17th, giving participants a forum to voice their concerns and get solutions on this increasingly important subject.
While people often focus on technological solutions to positively influence one’s reputation, in order to identify best practices and solutions, one needs to also look at the subject from various perspectives. As a result, Reputation War also examines in-depth the societal, philosophical, policy, governmental, corporate and economic issues that cause reputation management to be such a challenge in the first place. As such, the speaker line-up and range of topics are quite diverse, including such talks as:
Reputation of Egypt on the background of a political crisis by Hisham Zaazou, Egyptian Minister of Tourism
- Managing personal reputation: two case studies – Behind the mask of Darth Vader by Eric Walter, Secretary General of Hadopi
- How is reputation impacted when your competitors play on emotion? by Julien Villeret, Communication Director SFR
- The power of the Heart: how can engagement renew democracy and the markets? by Paul Hilder, Vice President Global Campaigns,
If you’d like to attend, we’ve got a special 20% rate off the regular price using code GUESTRDB-RW14. You can register here.