Archive for March 2014
Canal+ buys France’s #1 YouTube Channel – Studio Bagel
Just a few months back, Canal+ decided to change from its strategy of only diffusing its content line via their own player to developing a Canal+ ecosystem on YouTube by launching 16 of its own channels. Now they seem to have changed course yet again, announcing that they have bought a 60% stake in Studio […]
RudeVC: How to create a monopoly for your app in 2014
. Pop quiz: what do Klyqme, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Line have in common? Answer: they all enjoy quasi-monopolies in certain markets for their apps. Klyqme is the pre-eminent sms-based social network in Indonesia (which is rapidly threatening to displace India among the elite group of BRICs in my opinion, but that’s fodder for another blog […]
Meet the big data startup that doesn’t care where your degree comes from
Pursuing its mission to fight unemployment and talents’ misfits, the Rude Baguette is featuring interviews of startups (small and bigger) participating in next edition of the Paris Startup Job Fair. Whether your job is insanely boring, your talent is misunderstood by your boss or you are not so keen on going back to Pôle Emploi, […]
FNAC goes head to head with Spotify & Deezer with its new music service
FNAC tried a few years back to tackle the digital music world, but never managed to build a sizeable digital music business given the dominance of iTunes. In 2012 however, they eventually ended up stopping their digital music activity and partnering with Apple instead. Now FNAC has decided to jump into the world of digital […]
Mt. Gox or not, France will have its Maison du Bitcoin
Mt. Gox may be nothing more than an allusive call center as of today, but that won’t stop Parisians from getting on board with Bitcoin. In addition to having a Senate hearing earlier this year on the topic, the first physical BitCoin center is set to open in the heart of Paris, which will consist […]