Archive for January 2015
Lima has shipped its first 100 units to backers
Following a strong performance at CES, Lima has shipped 100 units to the Very Early Bird backers of its Kickstarter Campaign, the company announced on its blog. While the hardware has been ready for some time, the startup struggled on software development following decisions made as a result of the 12,000+ backers to their campaign. The product’s […]
Do you hear that? That's the sound of France's Audio Revolution.
If you listen very closely – that is, if you’ve got your ear to the pulse of France’s growing audio tech ecosystem – you might just hear it. French companies are bending all the rules when it comes to audio, in hardware and in software. Prizm – Make your Speakers Smarter Launched at our October […]
With a 2015 IPO on the roadmap, is Teads really the next Criteo?
AdTech startup Teads announced that it has raised €12 Million from BPIFrance and existing investors, and has raised €12 Million in debt from various banks – HSBC, BNP Paribas, BPIFrance, and Bank of China. The new round of investment comes almost a year after the company announced its merger with eBuzzing, stating then that they will […]
CES wrap-up: Six innovators to watch
There were obviously more companies at CES than one could see in a lifetime. After having visited several rising stars from France and around the world at CES’ innovation and startup-focused Eureka park, here’s my thoughts on 6 startups, some more well-known and other less so, to watch. iSketch Note by iskn (France) Hitting 10x their crowdfunding target back […]
Paris Founders Event alums ‘Where are they Now’: Niland
At our PFE spring edition, Niland launched Siilar, one of these most effective music search tool for music professionals. Its big differentiator versus the other music services out there is its technology based on the music signal (”machine listening”) and not on meta data. So, as we mentioned last year, you can look for a […]
Lift, Europe's landmark innovation event kicks-off on 4-6 February
Each February innovation and technology lovers from around the world descend on Geneva for Europe’s leading innovation conference, Lift. This year’s edition, Lift15, will undergo a shake-up from previous editions. Namely that a big theme for this year’s conference will be to ‘Jump out of the Conference room.’ As such, the cornerstone of Lift15 will […]
CES: Parrot's eXom drone for professionals takes flight at CES
CES had its fair share of drones this year. While most tend to be more for amusement and fun purposes, Parrot showed-off their new drone which takes a different take. The eXom, a drone for professionals launched by Parrot’s senseFLY division which helps users ensure their infrastructure is in good shape. eXom was developed for […]
The best product at CES may very well be a refigerator magnet
It seems that everyone – retailers, investors, journalists, or potential competitors – are on the lookout for the breakthrough products that will make headlines in the years to come, and with literally 1000’s of products reportedly launchings here this week, finding that connected needle in a haystack can be tough. The connected industry is no longer nascent […]
CES: For Sculpteo, 2015 will be the year 3D Printing takes on Small-batch production
2014 was big year for Sculpteo. The 3D Printing startup switched from a B2C model to a B2B model, setting up a 3D Printing factory just outside of Paris where they have begun working on small-batch production. At the time, the move appeared disheartening; however, Sculpteo says that 2014 saw much of it revenue come […]
Paris Founders Event announces 3 Speakers for Jan. 19th to kick off 2015
Paris Founders Event is back! We’ll kick off 2015 with the Winter Edition on January 19th at Le Palais Brongniart, will gathered entrepreneurs, investors, journalist and startup lovers – more than 600 people – for France’s biggest startup meetup. We’re busy interviewing finalists to select the 5 products that will be revealed on stage, but we’re proud to introduce you a few of the founders […]