Mobile native advertising startup Appsfire has been acquired by Mobile Network Group, a publicly traded company focused which primarily provides mobile advertising services to brands like Peugeot & Aéroport de Paris, as announced on Appsfire’s blog this week. The acquisition comes 1 1/2 years after Appsfire pivoted from an app discovery service to building out its own native advertising formats – the sushi, the Ura Maki, the Sashimi, etc. – along with an SDK for developers to integrate them. Cofounders Ouriel Ohayon & Yann Lechelle are respectively based in the Silicon Valley & Paris, while the team also has staff based in Tel Aviv, where Ohayon was previously based.
The acquisition confirms the consolidation that experts in the market have been suggesting will come in the coming 18 months. The explosion of devices and advertising possibilities – social, native, mobile, video, etc. – saw an explosion in startups looking to connect advertisers and publishers through different formats, and, as leaders emerge and the digital advertising sector settles into its new skin, consolidation is inevitable.
Appsfire will continue to operate from within Mobile Network Group, providing not only its native advertising technology to MNG’s clients, but also helping MNG enter the US Market, where it is currently not present. Appsfire currently has clients in 40 different countries.
Mobile Native AdTech Startup Appsfire acquired by Mobile Network Group
