Archive for September 2015
What does LeWeb’s postponement say about Paris’ role in the European Startup Scene?
Earlier this year, a brief announcement by the LeMeurs alerted the tech community that the duo had bought back LeWeb from their acquirers, Reed MIDEM. Both parties seemed to praise the deal, and the tech community was left wondering: can LeWeb turn itself around in 2015? The answer to that question, unfortunately, may not come […]
Schumpeter’s SaaS : Startups and Creative Destruction
Back in my economics classes, I was always fascinated on how theories from books could be related to real life events. I read about Kondratieff’s cycles, Smith’s invisible hand, Keynes’s supply and demand. But my favorite was Schumpeter’s creative destruction, and now after six years in the world of startups, it’s fascinating to see it […]
Take Eat Easy raises €10 million Series B funding & joins the Job Fair
Take Eat Easy, the Brussels start-up specializing in home delivery meals, just raised €10 million in Series B funding, round led by Eight Roads Ventures and existing investors Rocket Internet, DN Capital and Piton Capital. The announcement comes with great excitement, considering the company closed a €6 million Series A funding round in April, just five months ago. […]
HAïKU, the connected bike GPS, lands on Kickstarter
HAïKU, a connected GPS designed for your bike, just announced its first Kickstarter campaign. Closing its first day at €12,873 with a goal of €55,000 (reaching ≈25%), HAïKU, has a promising future. Like a smartwatch, HAïKU is powered by your smartphone, which can remain safely in your pocket, and gives you a simple and safe access to all the information […]
Scality raises $45million in Series D funding
Last week, Scality, the French American company renowned for its storage ring, announced to have completed $45 million Series D funding round. The latest funding round includes new strategic partner BroadBand Tower, Inc. (BBTower), all existing investors, led by Menlo Ventures, and 65% of the Scality staff, bringing the total investment in Scality to […]
France clears the track to enhance the development of autonomous cars
Experiments have been conducted on automating vehicles since the 1920s, but no doubt recent technological innovations in the automobile industry are going to have a revolutionary impact on our way of using cars. And France wants its industry to play a major role in this. If hexagonal constructors and equipment manufacturers have already performed tests […]
Should I accept an unpaid internship?
From time to time people ask my opinion on whether they should accept an unpaid internship offer. My answer to the question usually involves more questions: Is the job with a startup that is hard-pressed for cash, or rather with an established company, investment bank, or VC fund? Is the uncompensated period clearly delimited in […]