Does your business stand out from the crowd? Apply for the awards by October 27th [Update]

Does your business stand out from the crowd?  Apply for the awards by October 27th [Update]

2013-header, the fast rising star in the online printing business, is sending out a call for businesses with “ideas, stories and innovations that genuinely stand out from the crowd” to apply to their annual awards.  Unlike some competitions that focus solely on your end product and the demo, the awards seek to understand where you’ve come from as well a where you’re planning on going.  More specfically, when you apply they’re looking to understand:

Your journey:  So, what you did before you became an entrepreneur and what made you decide to become one

Your inspiration:  What was your ‘eureka moment’? Was their a life event or particular incident that inspired you to transform your idea into a viable business?

Your past setbacks: As “adversity builds character”, what are the challenges you faced when building your business and how did you overcome them

Your special something:  What about your business makes you stand-out from the crowd?  Or as the MOO team puts it, “we’re looking for businesses that can show us passion and ambition, imagination and determination, but above all we’re looking for something different”


They’ve got some fantastic prizes as well.  Firstly, the winner will take away $11k in cash for your business, $1.5k in MOOlah to spend on, an article in the MOOsLETTER, and, of course, the chance to meet and get feedback from the awards judges as well as VCs. There will also be specific awards given for Best Product, Best Service, and Best Charity. No one though will go away empty-handed though as all participants will also get a trophy!

Applying to the contest is pretty straightforward where all you need to do is:

  1. Be the founder of a business or non-profit
  2. Have 10 or fewer employees
  3. Be a MOO customer
  4. Submit your completed entry form by October 13, 2013

So if you fit these criteria and your business is one that truly stands out from the pack, apply here for the awards by October 27th!  [Update:  The deadline has now been extended to the 27th from the 13th of October as previously communicated]