After the Paris Founders Event, Music Battle launches campaign on Kickstarter

After the Paris Founders Event, Music Battle launches campaign on Kickstarter


Last Spring at the Paris Founders Event (the French event to launch a product), the French startup Phonotonic (breeded by Agoranov) launched its new product: “Music Battle”, a connected game that will reveal both the dancer and musician in you.

The game is simple: one connected object gives the rhythm, the other one the lead. Both are connected to an app, through which you can choose to give a more jazzy or rock-n-rolly touch to your music. You can either play with the two well-design balls, dare your friends to create a musical “pas de deux”, or take out the motion sensors and stick it to a piece of outfit – for fashionistas, to another part of your body – for true choreography lovers, or even to a drone – for the most tech-savvy.

The ambition behind the project is to make music more accessible, since you don’t need to actually know music theory to be able to play music. The founder and CEO of Phonotonic Nicolas Rasamimamana, has indeed played the violin for years and wanted to share his love for music and technology. The algorithm used to produce melodies and beats from the motion sensors enables anyone to play truly beautiful pieces.

You wanna give it a try? Help Phonotonic achieve its Kickstarter campaign here.

You can also meet Nicolas and convince him to let you play with Music Battle at the Connected Conference, he will be in the crowd.

Watch the video of the first demo of the product at the Paris Founders Event in April. If you wanna be next on stage, submissions are open for the Summer Edition (July, 21st).