Guest Post
A growing paradigm for French startups: R&D in France, fundraising abroad
Featured above: Criteo co-founders celebrate their NASDAQ IPO in Times Square This post is a contribution from Anji ISMAIL, CEO and co-founder of DOZ, a marketing platform that helps websites increase their audience by organizing the work of vetted, crowdsourced marketers around the globe. My story is a little unusual. I’m a French entrepreneur who raised […]
Could the Internet of Everything Save the French Economy?
The following Guest Post was co-written by Nicolas Colin(@Nicolas_Colin), founding partner at TheFamily & Laetitia Vitaud (@VitoLae), teacher (prépa HEC & Sciences Po) and blogger. Low-cost sensors, increased computer power, wireless connectivity and intelligent software have created new uses and possibilities in energy conservation, public transportation, health care, domotics and food distribution. New “smart” devices equip homes […]
France is not suffering from an exodus of entrepreneurs: the world is benefiting from mobility
The following guest post originally appeared on Frederic Montagnon’s blog (in french). Frederic is a French entrepreneur, co-founder of Overblog and Ebuzzing, currently based in New York City. The media landscape shows a growing « France bashing » spirit those days, in France and abroad. The blame is that France’s gloominess is pushing its talents outside of […]
How French startups are disrupting the medical device industry
The following is an interview of Sofinnova senior associate Katie Ellias by John Gridley, the co-founder of BSG which has developed a functional brain monitoring system ( which has received FDA 510(k) clearance. Which segments of the French medical device industry are attracting the most startup venture investment? What are some startup companies to watch in those […]
The App Stores are not “long tail”
The following article is a guest post by Yann Lechelle, co-founder of Appsfire, a growth engine for mobile apps. A French version of the article is available on the French digital daily Before we tackle this controversy, we should go back to the meaning of the Long-Tail Effect as referred to by Chris Anderson in […]
[Bootstrap PR] S$!T hit the fan, now here’s what you do
The following article is a Guest Post from PR Consultant Alex Lodola. It is the 3rd in a series on PR for bootstrapped startups. You can read the first and second here. Crises happen, and they spread like wild fire. In such a period, well-coordinated and thought out PR is key. Users/customers will be asking themselves two […]
Saul Klein kicks off Dublin Web Summit, sheds light on Risk in Europe
The following is a guest post from Mike Sottak, President of Wire Island International. You can follow him on Twitter at @WiredIslandPR Setting the tone early, Index Ventures partner Saul Klein kicked off the fourth annual Dublin Web Summit, speaking to a standing room only crowd on the economics of risk. Klein, who knows a bit about […]
How the French PLF 2014 affects the startup ecosystem
The following is a guest post by Aurélie Daniel, Cofounder & CEO of Beyond Croissant & blogger at En 20 Lignes, who has a Master’s in Business Law from the Institut d’Etudes Politques de Paris. You can find her on Linkedin or follow her on Twitter @aureliedaniel. Earlier this month, the French Government announced its finance bill for 2014 (in French PLF 2014 […]
Four lessons for startups that I learned at Oktoberfest
This guest post is part 3 of “The Amusement Park” blog series written by Mark Fabian Henkel (@mrkhnkl) Co-founder and CEO of Paymill, a young startup that offers the fastest and easiest way to integrate credit and debit card payments in websites and mobile applications. Oh man where am I? Where is my wallet? – Okay, […]
The Gravediggers of Innovation
The following is a guest post by Nicolas Colin, a co-founder at TheFamily and co-author of a report commissioned by the French Government on taxation and the digital economy. The article was originally published in French on his personal blog; you can follow him on Twitter at @Nicolas_Colin It all starts as a sort of informative […]