Lisa Korrigane
Minority Report is real : we can now foresee crime
1956: That was the year the book “Minority Report” was written by Philip K. Dick. 2019: That’s when it will become a reality. With the National Data Analytics Solution, welcome to the age of preventing crime before it happens. Maybe. Preventing crime “Minority Report” is a novel written by Sci-Fi author Philip K. Dick. […]
#FRENCHTECHFRIDAY : pick the perfect time to call back with Tilkee
Setting out to reach customers is a hard task. It involves a lot of trial and error. Am I calling back too soon (and seems pushy)? Am I too late (and the customer has already forgotten about me)? Is my current workflow highly effective, or can I do better? Thanks to French startup Tilkee, you […]
#FrenchTechFriday: customer service becomes Crisp and clear
We have all visited websites hosting a little bubble down in a corner. We’ve grown accustomed to being able to chat directly with someone on the other side of that web page. Many services offer this practical functionality. But not that many make it as simple as the French startup Crisp. Content is King… […]
#FrenchTechFriday – Blacknut: the Netflix for casual gamers
If you thought gaming was for young nerdy males with overclocked machines, think again. Just by looking at the number of people playing on their phone while commuting, one can get a sense of a bigger picture. With cloud gaming gaining weight, French startup Blacknut targets the casual gamer, with style. Netflix for gamers […]
It’s Christmas early for IBM as they put on a Red Hat
It’s official, IBM is acquiring RedHat, the open-source software company. Although the deal will only be closed in 2019, IBM’s strategic – and costly – move will help the company catch up on cloud computing. Lagging in the clouds Cloud computing has already made its way into numerous businesses. But it is […]
#FrenchTechFriday: Warm up your cold emails with Lemlist
When it comes to sending out emails, the strategy is not the same whether you’re writing to your client base or it trying to reach out to other businesses. In short, B2C and B2B communication are different. So why use the same tools? French startup Lemlist sticks to the B2B emails with a strong sense […]
#FrenchTechFriday : Get your five-star ratings with Feedier
How important are reviews and ratings in the buying process on the internet? If you are like many businesses out there, you probably think not much of it. After all, your products rock, why should anyone read reviews? Well, because 8 out of 10 millenials buy online only after reading those reviews. Darn! But how do […]
Last call for “unsafe” websites as Chrome 70 rolls in
Chrome 70, the updated web-browser from Google, is due out on October 16th. The websites lacking appropriate SSL certificates will display a highly deterring “unsafe” warning sign. Thousands of websites are in cross-hairs. What’s an SSL certificate? You may have noticed some websites begin with http:// and some with https://. The […]
The ugly side of the Google+ demise
It’s not really a surprise. Google has announced the end of Google+ for consumers. It seems logical since you probably can’t recall the last time someone told you “please join my Google+ circle so we can stay in touch”. But there is a back story to it. A story of flaws, cover up and a […]
Let’s clear up the Russian trolls involvement in the Last Jedi bashing
“Half of negative tweets about the Last Jedi were the works of Russian trolls”. It’s the breaking news of the week since researcher Morten Bay released his preprint paper. But aren’t we a little quick in jumping to conclusions? I’m a Star Wars fan since the Empire Strikes Back (yes, I’m that old). So when […]