Lisa Korrigane
Is Facebook getting too old for teens?
Today, Facebook announced a “portal” to inform youngsters on how to use Facebook. This could seem like a noble idea. However, both the content and the means to get it across don’t make par. A Portal for Youth Facebook launched its Youth portal. Available in 60 languages, it aims to […]
Social media interference in votes: it will take more than banning ads
On May 25th, Ireland will have a decisive referendum on abortion. Pressure groups are playing hard to influence voters. Facebook and Google have announced measures to monitor foreign influence. But this is far from enough. Playing nice with the Irish Facebook is in a tight spot. Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the […]
#FrenchTechFriday: Wizzili, the family wizard
This morning, your youngest kid cried. He had run out of cereals for breakfast. Then your best friend asked you if you’d care for a BBQ this weekend. You said yes because you had forgotten your eldest’s concert on Saturday. And that was before your spouse grumbled because you don’t find time for family outings. […]
#FrenchTechFriday: the gardian angels of WaryMe
Being wary is now second nature in France. Terror attacks have made sure of that. Being wary is also a requirement in any establishment open to a large number of people. The French Tech startup WaryMe makes sure all are safe and sound. The WaryMe idea Five years ago, Boris Berger and Philippe […]
#FrenchTechFriday: Can Arvey take you somewhere?
The area of new mobilities is still in hyper-growth mode. But despite what Uber may imply, there is room left for newcomers. French startup Arvey is securing its spot with a more relevant and ethical approach. An “across the corridor” partnership Arvey’s story starts with the two founders working in separate startups […]
Oh la la ! France’s amazing gift to Google: its citizens’ data
It’s that time of year when millions of French have to file in their income tax return online. This time, the official website displays an information video. But this tutorial is hosted on Youtube and Google gets its best-ever view of the French population. A matter of digital sovereignty? Online Income Tax Return […]
#FrenchTechFriday: Pionniers de la FrenchTech, que sont-ils devenus?
Adzuna, le moteur de recherche d’emploi, a conçu cette infographie qui retrace le parcours de ceux qui ont pris le train des startups de la FrenchTech au tout début. Que sont-ils devenus? Découvrez des parcours surprenants des pionniers de la French Tech.
#FrenchTechFriday: don’t travel alone with Onsenvol
This is not a meeting app, yet you meet people. This is not a travel app, yet you travel. It’s a matching app but not for romantic purposes. Meet Onsenvol (“we’re flying off”), a French startup to end lonely travel. The need for a travel buddy Many don’t want to travel alone. There are […]
#FRENCHTECHFRIDAY: the blockchain crusade of 808 Labs
[UPDATE: 50 million tokens are on public sale starting April 10th 2018] In times when wealth is in the hands of a few giant groups, some aim to use blockchain to give back power to individuals. French startup 808Labs may have found the way to correct the economic imbalance. Internet started with a […]
#FRENCHTECHFRIDAY: Five friends launch Fintech start-up Ticoon right out of school
Never underestimate what you can do with a bunch of friends. It is such a bunch that created fintech start-up Ticoon right out of business school, well almost out. Sébastien Bergès, Gatien Cantais, Mathieu Mhun, Antoine Grimal and Niels Rolland were all in the same preparatory class in Toulouse. Entering different Business […]