Régis Behmo
SPDY explained to my (clueless) cofounder
For a new technology enthusiast it’s always exciting to see Google throw its weight behind a new piece of technology, like it did with HTML5 or open video web formats. As a large web company devoted to open standards, Google sets the bar pretty high for the tools that it open sources. On the other […]
Criteo's Code Of Duty 2 Challenge To European Programmers
If you are a French developer, chances are you have already heard that the 2nd edition of the programming contest organised by Criteo will take place this weekend. If you haven’t: Criteo is the European leader of retargeted advertisement. Retargeted ads are those evil web banners that follow you everywhere, begging you to return to […]
France excels at R&D, but Academia is overdue for disruption
Resident PHD- holder Regis Behmo explores the idea that, while R&D is constantly paving the way for new inventions, startups, and advancements, it seems that Academia itself could use a little disruption.