Liam Boogar
qunb: The Youtube of Statistical Data. Graph Everything.
Yesterday LeCamping Season 2 company qunb finally opened their search engine for finding, compiling, and comparing figures to the pub. The company has build its platform of open data and aggregated data on the basis of one premise: researching figures is hard, and it shouldn’t be. With a rapidly growing list of sources for data, […]
LeCamping launches a sister site in Toulouse along with TIC Valley
LeCamping, the startup accelerator funded in part by public money and in part by private sponsors, announced[FR] last week that they will be hosting a new accelerator program in Toulouse, with space provided by TIC Valley. The program will mirror that of LeCamping’s current program in Paris – six months incubation on-site, mentor sessions, introduction […]
Geeklist opens up its developer social network to the public
Geeklist announced earlier this week that their social network for developers is finally open to the public (go ahead, sign up now!). The social network’s private beta was launched in September 2011, hoping to encourage developers to post their project accomplishments as well as others’. Now with over 40,000 developers and over 200+ companies working with […]
Why is the #1 headhunter app Pealk shutting down today? (Answer: Linkedin)
If you didn’t catch the story over the weekend, TheNextWeb ran a story last Friday announcing that French startup Pealk, who offers a free headhunting app, is being shutdown. Today. The startup’s application used LinkedIn’s API to help exactly 2739 (as of this morning) recruiters to search for potential hires with a user-friendly interface. What’s […]
Futur En Seine – Un Festival International ou Pas?
Going on between June 14th and 24th, Futur en Seine is a digital festival in Paris and its surrounding technical parks – but you already knew that. The event series was designed by Cap Digital, a digital services agency which has its hands in several events/associations. As with most Cap Digital events, the conference came […]
[EXCLUSIVE] BlaBlaCar offers 1 Million+ seat capacity on its ride-sharing marketplace [Infographic]
BlaBlaCar, formerly & Comuto, announced excitedly today that their European ride-sharing surface surpassed a monumental number today – there was a 1 Million+ seat capacity available as of June 18th, 2012. The ride-sharing car has seen explosive growth since 2009, as they outlined in the infographic below – to be exact, 135% annual growth year […]
Why you shouldn't be too excited about Index's new €350M fund for early stage "European" startups
GigaOm Europe reported this morning that Index Ventures raised another round of €350 Million to invest into early stage European startups. This is pretty great news – Index, along with Accel, is one of the few real Global investment firms that has both a strong presence in the US and in Europe. In New York, Index […]
ISAI secures second fund for making €1-€5M investments
This morning, ISAI announced the closing of a €30M second fund dedicated to making investments in mature companies looking to grow quickly, make acquisitions, and provide a bit of liquidity to shareholders. ISAI first announced the searching of a second fund in the beginning of April, and it seems they had no trouble securing the […]