Liam Boogar

Six Lies French Entrepreneurs tell about France

This article is the opinion of the writer and no one else involved with The Rude Baguette. Last week, Betabeat’s Adrianne Jeffries published an article entitled “French Startups Take Refuge in New York” – you can imagine how interested we were in this. The article consisted of an interview with prominent New York Entrepreneur Ilan Abehassera, […]

Get your inspiration on with a free ticket to TEDxESCP

Get your inspiration on with a free ticket to TEDxESCP

The TEDxESCP 2012 conference is coming up on February 25th 2012 at the Paris Campus of ESCP Europe. Organized by students of ESCP Europe, the event aims to tap into the vast pool of knowledge and passion within the realm of the Grandes Écoles in Paris. Curious students and professionals from Paris will gather here and explore the theme: […]

We're sending SharyPic to Enterprise20 Summit

We're sending SharyPic to Enterprise20 Summit

The results are in, and our #RudeReader winner is Christian Blavier, CTO of SharyPic, a collaborative photo sharing platform for events. SharyPic was the first French HackFWD investment, and has recently been accepted into Paris Incubators. In addition, their site has recently been redone by French web designer Sacha Greif, who, among other things, was recently […]

Doodle takes its scheduling service offline … to paper.

Last week, Zurich-based Doodle, the online scheduling service, announced the release of its latest addition to Doodle – Doodle Unplugged. The post announcing the new service reads as if one user complained so hard that they decided to mock him by actually creating it. Intended for “Internet users who think “cloud scheduling” is too geeky,” the […]

Geeklist launches in France – bring on the Hackathons!

The achievement-based social platform for developers raised $600K last October, and while they are based in San Francisco, they’ve sent Audrey Stewart back to France to work on building up a European following. The site has already enticed celebrity developers like Yukihiro Matsumoto, creator of Ruby and Heroku. Geeklist is kicking off its launch in France with a co-organized Opa DevCamp, […]

France: How many startup [ ]'s is too many?

Last week, my baguette-ed counterpart wrote about the staggering ratio of accelerators to actual startups in France and Europe – my personal opinion on the subject is that when resources are scarce, they need to be conserved. An accelerator’s resources are startups, mentors, and sponsorship/funding – these are the metrics that drive their ability to […]

Conferences: When to go and when to pass?

In the upcoming weeks, our Rude Calendar is pretty packed – meetups, conferences, weekend events, and more – in fact, we’re evening giving away one ticket to Entreprise 2.0 Summit in Paris.  It’s hard to know sometimes when it’s worth it – sure, there’s a price tag, but that’s rarely the deciding factor. This past […]

DrinkOnMe launches a mobile app – the next round is on me!

DrinkOnMe, Groupon for when you want to get your DrinkOn, is holding a pseudo-launching event in announcement of the launch of their mobile app. As listed on our Rude Calendar, which contains all the best startup events in Paris/France, the apero will be held at Le Paloma and will start between 7 and 8. For those […]

Le Huffington Post launches – France says "whatever"

This morning, the long delayed, not so highly await French version of the Huffington post launched – and only a few weeks after the site was hacked and had its landing page screenshoted and posted publicly. The site launched amidst much other news, including the DLD 2012 conference in Munich, which took up much of […]

We've got tickets to Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris. Want one?

February’s just around the corner, and so’s the Enterprise 2.0 Summit! The Rude Baguette got some tickets, but we don’t want to go alone – so we’re taking one of YOU with us! For those who haven’t heard of it before, The Enterprise 2.0 Summit brings Technorati, Web 2.0 enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, CxOs, and academics to […]