Liam Boogar

Kwaga announces HistoRecall: recall ALL your email contacts!

Following their most recent announcement of a new round of funding, covered here by Techcrunch, Kwaga announced today their most recent addition to the WriteThat.Name – HistoRecall. We talked a bit about WriteThat.Name in an interview with founder and CEO Philippe Laval back in December: in short, WriteThat.Name automatically updates your contact book whenever a new contact emails […]

CoVoiturage raises $10 Million to spread ride-sharing across Europe

CoVoiturage raises $10 Million to spread ride-sharing across Europe

Yesterday and this morning, TechCrunch, LesEchos and subsequently FrenchWeb (who somehow managed to get the ‘exclusive’?) announced that Blablacar, Comuto, and CoVoiturage raised $10 Million, with Accel Partners leading the round. The trick here is that all three of these companies are the same, branding themselves differently in each country (UK, Spain, and France). The […]

StartInParis: What it is and what it could be.

StartInParis: What it is and what it could be.

This evening, Laurent Kretz and Jonathan Benoudiz will host the 14th edition of Start In Paris, arguably the only startup event in Paris worth attending every. single. time. For those who don’t knowF, StartInParis is a FREE event that takes place once a month, and allows 5 Paris startups to pitch to an audience of 300. In addition, there […]

[rant] Bouygues answers #FreeMobile "Lalala, I can't hear you"

I wouldn’t consider myself a “fan” of Bouygues – in fact, in France no one is happy with their ISP, no matter who they have. In conversations, you more often hear “Oh, you have [SFR/Bouygues/Orange], they suck!” followed shortly by a “I mean, I don’t like [not the one you have], but at least I […]

Curioos releases Wacom collection and integrates Tumblr

Curioos, a digital art publish house, releases their 2nd collection of artwork, curated this time by digital design tablet maker Wacom. Their 1st collection was curated by Fubiz CEO Romain Colin; they also have some great new Tumblr integrations.

What's Happening with Seesmic?

Seesmic has always been a company for French startupers to watch. The company was founded by the infamous Loic Le Meur, who’s reputation actually does surpass his resume, having been the example of French serial entrepreneurship to the country that invented the word but lacked the spirit. Tech enthusiasts will undoubtedly recognize the Seesmic name, […]

Can France do Social?

In my most recent efforts to understand how to take a city and turn it into a startup city, I’ve been toying with an idea given to me by Jason Calacanis: I posed him the question of how European cities could create an ecosystem on the same level as (note: not “replicating”) the Silicon Valley. […]

New Year, New Design, New Writers, and New Resources

2012 is here, and The Rude Baguette is changing with the times! We launched The Rude Baguette on Halloween hoping to bring together some of the English bloggers in France to one place. We had this idea in our head that the people who were interested in knowing what was going on in France were […]

How to get hired by a French startup. No Bullshit.

Ok, so before I get started, this article presupposes that you have the legal right to work in France – either you’ve got an appropriate VISA or you’re a citizen in a country in the European Union (ps: check where your grandparents were born if you don’t have the right to work in France – […]

[rant] Turning Angry Users into Users for Life

This past weekend, Angel-funded startup AllThis made headlines across the internet for their seemingly sketchy practices. In short, the service allows people to ‘buy time’ from other people using virtual currency. I happen to find the idea interesting, but that’s not the point of this article. An issue came up with their ‘company practices’ when […]