Liam Boogar

Dailymotion on the sidelines as Yahoo plans to go head-to-head with YouTube

I’ll be quick on this one, as I think AdAge covered the facts of the situation pretty well. Former Google Exec and current Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has made it clear since her arrival that Video was key – it’s a $70 Billion market that Yahoo’s barely scratching the surface of. Yahoo came to Dailymotion in […]

What to think of Viadeo’s €200-300 Million IPO plans?

What to think of Viadeo’s €200-300 Million IPO plans?

This week Viadeo announced in an interview with LeFigaro that they would be seeking to raise €200-300 million on the Euronext in a Paris IPO early next year. Viadeo, which competes with LinkedIn and Xing as a professional network, owes much of its success to France, where it first started as an online network for French […]

LeKiosk revamps its newstand app, goes head-to-head with Google & Flipboard

LeKiosk revamps its newstand app, goes head-to-head with Google & Flipboard

It’s not easy being media these days. In France, things have gotten so bad that the government negotiated for Google to create a €60 Million fund dedicated to helping dying print magazines switch to digital. Now that said money has now been all but dolled out, Google has launched its paid newsstand, which was already […]

Sculpteo becomes the latest “Netvibes” disappointment with its pivot to B2B

When I first met Sculpteo CEO Clément Moreau, I was pretty impressed with his vision for the future of 3D. We discussed how 3D Printing could disrupt manufacturing and distribution altogether, and he showed me how they were 3D printing wax casts which could then be used to create silver, gold or other metal objects, […]

We will never be Silicon Valley, so what can we be? Answer: Ourselves.

In this week’s Weekly Digest, I touched on a conversation topic that has been swirling around my head for a while. It seems that we have moved beyond the old “How can X become the next Silicon Valley?” question, and this is undoubtedly a good step. The question of how one should measure and shape […]

Don’t look now: Sigfox is expanding its M2M network into… the Silicon Valley

If you’ve been following the M2M space this year, you may have noticed that SIGFOX is making a number of sweeping moves to position itself as a global M2M Telecom Operator. After raising their €15M Series B, Sigfox added former Areva CEO Anne Lauvergeon as their President, signaling to many that this company has IPO […]

Something’s not sitting right with me about TheFamily

Last week TheFamily announced that they have pulled in $1 Million in fundraising, including the initial $150K that Index Ventures limped in last year. Index’s investment has been matched by a leading French VC , alongside a handful of Business Angels, all of whom have one thought on their mind: deal-flow. For VCs & Business […]

TVTY raises $4.5 Million to bridge TV & Digital Ads

Following their performance at MIPCube earlier this year, TVTY has attracted Partech Ventures, 360 Capital Partners and a group of business angels to make a $4.5 Million investment in the adtech startup, which is oriented at triggering digital Ads in correlation with TV content. The startup is already working with the likes of Microsoft, Renault […]

Giroptic hits it big on Kickstarter with their Full HD 360° 3D Camera

A kickstarter project out of Lille, France is getting quite the attention, having already doubled their $150,000 campaign goal in the first days since its creation. Giroptic, which presents itself as the first full HD 360° camera, is shaped like an egg and fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, though it is meant […]

Atlas Ventures’ Fred Destin joins Accel Partners as a Partner

While at Atlas Ventures, the Belgian Fred Destin managed many of the investment firms French investments, including Dailymotion, Streamnation, KDS, Priceminister & more. After announcing he would leave his role as a Partner at Atlas Ventures to move back to Europe earlier this year, Accel Partners will be bringing him on board as a Partner. […]