Liam Boogar

EEMI, Xavier Niel’s other internet school, to expand into former La Cantine office space

With the ‘success‘ of Silicon Sentier’s #cobatissons crowdfunding campaign, the group is set to move into its new giant office space, which will allow it to bring together the previously separate LeCamping accelerator & La Cantine coworking space, in addition to adding a more proper event space and some conference rooms. However, for those who […]

Government-backed law to require 15-minute delay on smartphone ride services irks Parisians

Government-backed law to require 15-minute delay on smartphone ride services irks Parisians

In the past week, the French Government has come out in favor of a law that would require VTC (véhicule de tourisme avec chauffeur, namely, non Taxi chauffeurs) to have a minimum 15-minute delay between time of reservation and time of pick up. The announcement provoked a response from SnapCar co-founder Dave Ashton this week, “an […]

France is undergoing a pro-business revolution – don’t miss the signs.

France is undergoing a pro-business revolution – don’t miss the signs.

When everyone around you tells you it’s a bad idea to do something, it’s often a bad idea; however, if your gut tells you to do it anyway, it might just be the best time. Looking at the dot-com bubble burst, we see a plethora of companies that were started in the years following – […]

The Guardian launches dedicated Dailymotion channel with 700+ hours of video

The Guardian announced today that they are launching a dedicated Dailymotion channel that will contain not only their 700 hours of video archives, but also their weekly shows such as James Richardson’s European Football Review, The Guardian Film Show and How to Dress with fashion editor Jess Cartner-Morley. In addition, The Guardian will now also be an official […]

Wooden keyboard maker Orée to announce new line of products in September

If you haven’t heard of Orée, the above image sums them up quite nicely. An entirely Made in France hardware startup, they describe themselves as being at the intersection of Tech, Design, and …. Wood. Their all-wood keyboard (made from one solid piece of Maple or Walnut wood) comes with a leather pouch, and has […]

Twitter’s Transparency Report lacks one key ingredient: context.

This week, Twitter released its Transparency Report for the first half of 2013, revealing which countries have made take-down and data requests between January and June of this year. The social network first started releasing these figures in 2012, though there were only 48 requests in total to remove tweets or users. In 2012, we […]

All aboard! European train eTicketer Capitaine Train now available in English

Capitaine Train, an online train ticket vendor which recently raised €2,5M from investors Index Ventures in order to continue its growth, announced today that its slick UX and aggregated ticket prices are now available in English (in addition to German & French). Launched last year with the intention of disrupting the gigantic train travel industry in […]

A not-so standard exchange between #Founder and #Journalist

I receive a lot of emails – not so much that I can’t get around to all of them, but enough to have a preferred method of receiving email pitches. A while back, a friend asked me to tell him the 5 best & 5 worst pitches I receive, and what I like to see. […]

Paris Accelerator TheFamily to open a CoWorking Castle in Normandy

We’ve spoken in the past of the excess of Accelerators, Incubators & Coworking spaces in Europe, but this might just take the cake. A new subdomain ( on Paris Accelerator TheFamily‘s site puts an interesting twist on the idea of a CoWorking Space. While it’s more of a retreat for internet startups who need to […] scoops up $2.6M in kerosene along with YouSendIt’s Andrew Federici as VP of Monetization

Curation platform Scoop.It announced a $2.6M round of funding from its existing investors – Partech International, Elaia Partners, IXO Private Equity, and Orkos Capital – in order to fuel acceleration. The company has picked up YouSendIt’s (recently renamed HighTail) former director of Marketing (I hope he wasn’t in charge of the name-changing) Andrew Federici as VP of […]