Liam Boogar

La Poste & Parrot deliver April Fools Day joke that US bloggers fall for and subsequently declare April Fools Day dead

Last week you may have heard a story about La Poste delivering newspapers using Parrot AR Drones – this of course was a hoax put on by the two companies in the spirit of April Fools day; however, despite the conveniently timed announcement, it seems several US & French blogs fell victim to the hoax, including VentureBeat, […]

Pulled from Apple’s App Store, does AppGratis have a future?

Pulled from Apple’s App Store, does AppGratis have a future?

You’d think with $13.5 Million in the bank, everything was going the way AppGratis wanted it to. The App recommendation company announced 10 Million users back in February just weeks after a massive fundraising with Iris Capital; however, news was buzzing this week after Pocketgamer announced that Apple had pulled AppGratis from the App Store. […]

Spideo brings their video recommendation iPad app to France: who wants my Movie Data?

Spideo brings their video recommendation iPad app to France: who wants my Movie Data?

After launching in the US last month, French startup Spideo launched it’s video recommendation iPad app in France today. Founded by Gabriel Mandelbaum. Thibault d’Orso, and Paul de Monchy, the team has been working in video recommendation since 2010, powering video recommendations for the online video catalogs of such publishers as Canal+ in their CanalPlay […]

Orange Fab: 5 Things you need to know about Orange’s new “accelerator”

During my trip home to California, I took the opportunity to meet up with some French companies & organizations doing cool things in the Silicon Valley – one of them, was Orange Fab. Run by mobile carrier Orange‘s silicon valley subsidiary Orange Silicon Valley (OSV), Orange Fab self-identifies as ” a three-month accelerator program that supports […]

Contact manager WriteThat.Name launches AddMe, a cloud-based email signature

Paris-based startup WriteThat.Name announced today the launch of their latest contact management tool, AddMe, which allows users to create a signature which they can add to their email, which syncs up with their contact information stored on WriteThat.Name. Launched in 2011, WriteThat.Name has been keeping address books up to date   for thousands of users, […]

Alcatel-Lucent venture Nuage Networks unveils its SDN to compete with Cisco & VMWare

In recent months, there’s been a lot of buzz around the topic of Software-defined Networked (SDN), which, in short, allows admins to control networks of computers (like a fleet of Virtual Machines on,say, Amazon Web Services) “on the fly,” in order to manage where traffic is sent in this network. It has become a prettty […]

TheFamily raises $250K & announces 10 startups already in its Paris Accelerator program

Launched earlier this year by former LeCamping program director Alice Zagury and LeCamping EIR Oussama Ammar, TheFamily has announced a $250K round of funding to get its “1%” accelerator off the ground. The seed round, which will be used to hire up to 4 people for the program and, notably, cover expenses like housing (including […]

April 16th, join Cookening, Drivy & Capitaine Train for Paris UX Design event UXD4Startups

The second edition of UXD4Startups – Paris’ first dedicated UX Design event – has been set for April 16th. The event, who’s theme “Designing efficient services [that] users trust” will touch on best practices for website design, product development, and problem solving. Hosted by the veritable Olivier Desmoulin, the event rarely disappoints, and they have […]

Orange plans to combat Piracy by making shows available to its users. It’s about freakin’ time.

A while back I read a great piece by MG Siegler about how he was being forced to pirate the television show Game of Thrones because HBO wasn’t making the content available to viewers until very recently. Because the TV industry was trying to maximize the value of its content in each stage of its […]

Startupbootcamp hosts Open PitchDays Paris for mobility, connectivity & big data startups

As part of their Open Pitch Days International Tour, Startupbootcamp is coming to Paris to allow startups to get feedback from their mentor network and the accelerator program directors. The event is being co-hosted alongside The Family, the Paris accelerator started by the former LeCamping director & EIR. The event is being hosted on April […]