Trista Bridges

Offering new insights on technical marketing, web design and CMS, AgoraCMS is back on April 25th

After a first very successful first edition last year, AgoraCMS, which is dedicated to solutions, uses and best practices around web design and CMS, comes back to Paris on April 25th. This year’s edition is set to welcome 350 participants who will get the opportunity to deepen their understanding of how to optimize content management […]

8 Startups selected for Silicon Valley accelerator Ubi I/O

8 Startups selected for Silicon Valley accelerator Ubi I/O

After running their annual tech tour for 7 years, Ubifrance in partnership with BPIFrance announced that they would be evolving their tour into a 10-week Silicon Valley based accelerator program. The program is supported by both French and Silicon Valley mentors; various supporters including such big names as Yahoo, Logitech, IBM, Oracle, etc who the […]

Study finds France lags other countries in mobile device screen time

Study finds France lags other countries in mobile device screen time

A study just released by Millward-Brown, confirms what many had been predicting for sometime – while we, unsurprisingly, live in a multi-screen world, mobile devices now account for almost half of daily screen time use across the world. The far-reaching study was conducted with 12k multi-screen users (those having access to a TV and/or smartphone […]

‘Romeo’ makes his big debut at Lyon robotics fair Innorobo

A human-sized, personal assistant, ‘Made in France’ robot could soon becoming to a home near you. French startup Alderbaran Robotics has unveiled for the first time at Lyon’s big robotics fair Innorobo ‘Romeo’, the anxiously awaited 1,4m, 40 kg humanoid robot.  The development of Romeo has been an extremely ambitious project, which since being kicked-off in […]

Art photography distributor and retailer Yellow Korner raises €2.5 million

  Having raised about 7.5 million euros to date from the likes of A Plus Finance, UFG-Siparex, 360° Capital Partners, Louis-Christophe Laurent, and PriceMinister co-founder Pierre Kosciusko Morizet, Yellow Korner has just announced that they’ve just closed on a new €2.5 million round from the investment fund of Charles Beigbeder, Audacia. Yellow Korner’s objective is to give the […]

Vivendi chooses Numericable, Bouygues and Free on the sidelines for now

On Friday, the French telecom world was buzzing from a somewhat surprise decision that Vivendi would be entering into exclusive negotiations to sell-off its telco unit SFR to Numericable, effectively leaving Bouygues and, indirectly, Free out in the cold. While Numericable had reportedly been Vivendi’s preferred candidate early on, Bouygues came in later in the […]

NEXT Berlin launches call for candidates for its Startup-Pitch

NEXT Berlin, Berlin’s first conference for the digital economy in Berlin, is kicking-off its call for candidates for its Startup-Pitch competition. Finalists will present their start-up on one of the main stages on  5-6 of May at NEXT14 and take home a super attractive prize package. The jury is top-notch, composed of renowned entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and […]

[SPONSORED] The Toyota i-ROAD: a solution to France’s urban traffic problems?

Presented at CES earlier this year, the i-ROAD is one of those innovations that may make drivers scratch their heads a bit when they first see it – it’s electrical, three-wheeled, and doesn’t really look like anything anyone has driven before. Yet it immediately makes us wonder: is it the future of urban transportation? The i-ROAD is not a […]

Lengow’s eCommerce Day is back on April 3rd

After a hugely successful first edition last year, Lengow, France’s leading eCommerce SaaS solutions startup, brings their eCommerce Day back to Paris’ Tapis Rouge on April 3rd. The objective of eCommerce Day is to bring together all the major eCommerce players so that they can respond to eCommerce vendors’ most pertinent questions, propose new, innovative services, […]

MIPCube Lab announces finalists ahead of next month’s MIPTV

Each year the entertainment industry’s leading conference on everything having to do with TV, Reed Midem’s MIPTV holds a competition just for startups called MIPCube. Heralded as the the one and only B2B startup competition for tech companies offering television and online video solutions, MIPCube which has only existed for four years, already has an impressive winners list, […]