Trista Bridges

WebDeux Connect kicks-off its 7th and biggest edition on November 6/7th

WebDeux Connect (aka #W2C), one of France’s largest and most renowned French-language tech conferences brings its 7th edition to Paris which promises to be bigger and bolder than ever.  Last year W2C saw over 600 tech and internet enthusiasts join to discover and debate the latest trends, ideas and happenings in the tech sector. This […]

Developer School 42 announced as venue for the first Scala conference in France,

Developer School 42 announced as venue for the first Scala conference in France,

After launching the first Scala group in 2010, Scala enthusiast and super developer Alexis Agahi has rallied other group members, Clever Cloud and Lateral Thoughts to bring the first Scala conference in France. With similar events have been launched in other markets, most notably the series of Scala conferences organized by UK Skills Matter, Agahi […]

Does your business stand out from the crowd?  Apply for the awards by October 27th [Update]

Does your business stand out from the crowd? Apply for the awards by October 27th [Update], the fast rising star in the online printing business, is sending out a call for businesses with “ideas, stories and innovations that genuinely stand out from the crowd” to apply to their annual awards.  Unlike some competitions that focus solely on your end product and the demo, the awards seek to understand […]

Global Invest Her, putting women on the right track to get funded

Having spent almost 20 years in global corporate business development and led several initiatives as an intrapreneur, Anne Ravanona decided that she wanted to finally realise her dual dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and developing a platform to help other women entrepreneurs obtain funding and succeed. As a result, Global Invest Her, an on and […]

Tech entrepreneurs and enthusiasts from around the world to descend on Kiev October 10th/11th for IDCEE

The organizers of IDCEE make it clear who their main target is with their big, Kiev-based conference which is kicking-off its third edition on October 11th/12th – namely, ‘startups and geeks’. IDCE actually stands for ‘Investor’s Day Central and Eastern Europe’ and, as a result, from its origins has focused firmly exposing the world to startups […]

AngelHack launch App hackathon Apphack, 30 Cities & 6,000 Developers

Coming this October 19th/20th, AngelHack will launch AppHack, the largest ever app hackathon, including 30 cities and 6,000 developers from around the world. In Paris, the event will kick-off at Deezer’s headquarters at 9am on October 19th. While competition will obviously be an important part of this new hackathon series, AppHack will focus more on […]

Top founders conference the IdeaLab! inspiring entrepreneurs on October 11th/12th

For over 10 years, the IdeaLab!, which is Europe’s largest student led founders’ conference, has served as a key forum for the exchange of experiences and idea for top tech entrepreneurs from around the globe. Each year the organizers strive to create a ‘unique and uncomplicated’ environment for participants to share, learn, and connect with other experienced […]

Wired 2013 once again showcasing the future on October 17th & 18th in London

This coming October 17th & 18th Wired, together with Telefonica, will host the third edition of its flagship event WIRED 2013, which gathers pioneering speakers from around the world to stimulate debate, spread ideas and showcase the future. Keeping true to the values of their much-celebrated magazine, Wired strives with their top conference to expand […]

Game Connection brings the Games Industry to the City of Light | December 3rd-5th

The European edition of Game Connection’s leading games industry event is coming back to Paris this December 3rd – 5th.  With a change of venue and a fully multi-track and multi-platorm event, Game Connection is continuing to evolve its experience for participants.  This year, the event will be held at the Paris Docks (which will […]

In 2016, Paris to be home to the biggest startup incubator in the world (30,000m²)

UPDATE: This article originally suggested the space would be 100Km² – that is the amount of total incubator space in Paris. 1000 Startups will be 30Km², and the article has been updated to reflect that. Yesterday at Paris’ classic town-hall Hôtel de Ville, the city of Paris officially launched the anxiously anticipated and much debated […]