Trista Bridges

LinkedIn France gets a visit from the taxman

The French tax authority is definitely earning its money this year!  Hot on the heels of the tax reclamations from pretty much every other big US tech player in France (Ebay/Paypal, Facebook, Amazon,Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo), now comes news of another; This time its LinkedIn.  The news of a visit by the French taxman to LinkedIn’s Paris […]

Here’s that wrap-up of all the interesting MWC mobile insights you were looking for

Here’s that wrap-up of all the interesting MWC mobile insights you were looking for

The Mobile World Congress is not only a venue to do business (although this is a major focus), but it’s also is a place where lots of great data and insights about local and global mobile markets are revealed.  Here are three reports released during MWC offering interesting and useful insights about the mobile market: […]

Mobile World Congress reveals what many already knew: France is killing it in the App Discovery space!

Mobile World Congress reveals what many already knew: France is killing it in the App Discovery space!

One of the areas where France is showing some muscle this year is in mobile app discovery.  We’ve covered this fast growing sector quite regularly on Rude Baguette, mainly because the myriad of innovative startups in this area always have an impressive story to tell. If MWC is anything to go by, this is clearly […]

The Mobile World Congress French Pavillion shows the world what France can do in Mobile

Smack dab in the middle of the monstrous Mobile World Congress’ Hall 5, sits France’s French Pavillion. As with other big, developed markets, Ubifrance (for the 7th consecutive year) works to put some of France’s most interesting mobile companies on display and organizes business meetings for them with potential partners in other markets.  Many of […]

France’s Cloud Startups (series): Why Videodesk will positively transform the customer service experience

Perhaps the biggest frustration of any consumer these days is the poor and often inhumane customer service experience.  While ecommerce, whose growth seems to be unstoppable, has made life a lot more convenient for many of us, it also has removed most human contact from our shopping experience. When you order something online and what […]

French President François Hollande announces ambitious plans for the Digital Economy

Speaking yesterday in Clermont-Ferrand, President Hollande sought to infuse a little optimism in what has otherwise been a disappointing week for both his administration and France.  After conceding his initial 2013 growth projections were in essence a pipe dream, President Hollande chose to pivot to a more positive topic…Namely, laying out his vision on how […]

Enterprise 2.0 ‘Enabling the Social Enterprise (R)evolution’ on March 20 – 21

For the second year in a row, the Enterprise 2.0 Summit, one of the leading events tackling the challenge and solutions in mastering social networking within the enterprise world, comes back to Paris.  This year’s edition will take place on March 20 – 21st at the Cercle National Des Armées. Unlike social media in the […]

After MIDEM, MIPCube has 3 startup competitions that you can’t miss out on!

Most of you are probably familiar with MIDEM, the leading global conference focusing on the music industry (see our article on the last edition here).  But you may not know that the same organizers also host the leading and longest-running conference focusing on the global TV and, now, online content ecosystem called MIPTV.  This year’s conference will […]

Le Mobile is shaking up the mobile industry in France this year March 18th-19th 2013

Le Mobile2013, Paris’ perineal annual event on all things mobile, will be kicking-off on the 18th and 19th of March at the Centre Pompidou.  The theme of this year’s event, Le Choc des Geants, perfectly captures how mobile’s shaking up the terrain for all digital player, regardless of their size, geography, or market power, and […]

eDeal Summit 2013 brings together Europe’s top eCommerce Deal leaders

The eDeals industry (think Daily Deals, Flash Sales, Coupons/Vouchers, Social Commerce, etc) has been experiencing both substantial growth and significant challenges over the last couple years.  Groupon and Living Social have obviously been the biggest news (not all of positive of course).  But they’re just a small part of what’s becoming an increasingly crowded space.  In […]