Paris's LeWeb conference to invade London and rival London Web Summit

LeWeb is hands-down France’s biggest tech conference. With the last edition in 2011 hosting over 3,500 participants from over 76 countries and speakers like Karl Lagerfeld, Eric Schmidt and Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan, there are very few conferences in Europe that measure up. At most, some would say the only other conferences on […]

Berlin Maniacs brings Paris to the gold rush

Berlin Maniacs brings Paris to the gold rush

In case you missed it, last week marked the launch of Berlin Maniacs, a brand new French-language blog covering the Berlin tech scene. And no, it’s not a Samwer Brothers take on the Rude Baguette. But it does share many of our core values, and we’re happy it’s here. Berlin Maniacs was founded by Nicolas […]

The truth about Jimmy Fairly: why copying is not always copying

The truth about Jimmy Fairly: why copying is not always copying

Last May, when our own Roxanne broke the news in Techcruch of French eyewear e-tailer Jimmy Fairly’s  €200K initial fundraising, more than a few people were more than a little upset. The comments section teemed with disapproval of their ample similarities to American startup Warby Parker — “What Jimmy Fairly did lies somewhere between extremely poor form and actual IP infringement,” […]

The French Presidential elections go digital

Ah yes, the US is not the only country with Presidential elections this year. While Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are busy battling it out for the Republicans on the other side of the Atlantic, France is also busy lining up its political contestants: François Hollande (Parti Socialiste), Marine Le Pen (Front National, YIKES!), François […]

We're sending SharyPic to Enterprise20 Summit

The results are in, and our #RudeReader winner is Christian Blavier, CTO of SharyPic, a collaborative photo sharing platform for events. SharyPic was the first French HackFWD investment, and has recently been accepted into Paris Incubators. In addition, their site has recently been redone by French web designer Sacha Greif, who, among other things, was recently […]

France: How many startup [ ]'s is too many?

Last week, my baguette-ed counterpart wrote about the staggering ratio of accelerators to actual startups in France and Europe – my personal opinion on the subject is that when resources are scarce, they need to be conserved. An accelerator’s resources are startups, mentors, and sponsorship/funding – these are the metrics that drive their ability to […]

France: how many startup accelerators is too many?

Behold the startup accelerator. You know, the YCombinators and Techstars of the world. The concept is anything but new, yet it has started spreading like wildfire since US companies like Dropbox, Airbnb, Disqus, Scribd and more have proven the model successful. I’m sure you’re familiar with this by now so I’ll cut the dictionary definition […]

Conferences: When to go and when to pass?

In the upcoming weeks, our Rude Calendar is pretty packed – meetups, conferences, weekend events, and more – in fact, we’re evening giving away one ticket to Entreprise 2.0 Summit in Paris.  It’s hard to know sometimes when it’s worth it – sure, there’s a price tag, but that’s rarely the deciding factor. This past […]

We've got tickets to Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris. Want one?

February’s just around the corner, and so’s the Enterprise 2.0 Summit! The Rude Baguette got some tickets, but we don’t want to go alone – so we’re taking one of YOU with us! For those who haven’t heard of it before, The Enterprise 2.0 Summit brings Technorati, Web 2.0 enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, CxOs, and academics to […]

Start Working on Your Side Project Tonight

To me a side project is taking an idea and building it from scratch. You do not have to complete it, it doesn’t need a business model or turn into a company over time, it doesn’t even need to make sense to other people than you. It is just a way to experiment. If later […]