[Infographic] Startup talent: who wants to work for startups in France?
Part of our global mission is to bring together under-exploited talents and high potential startups together: this is why we are organizing the second edition of the Paris Startup Job Fair on April 5th at Le Cent Quatre. In order to know more about the profiles interested in the startup atmosphere, we conducted a study on […]
What makes Blablacar a great place to work? Community, Travel & Growth
Pursuing its mission to fight unemployment and talents’ misfits, the Rude Baguette is featuring interviews of startups (small and bigger) participating in next edition of the Paris Startup Job Fair. Whether your job is insanely boring, your talent is misunderstood by your boss or you are not so keen on going back to Pôle Emploi, […]
Offering new insights on technical marketing, web design and CMS, AgoraCMS is back on April 25th
After a first very successful first edition last year, AgoraCMS, which is dedicated to solutions, uses and best practices around web design and CMS, comes back to Paris on April 25th. This year’s edition is set to welcome 350 participants who will get the opportunity to deepen their understanding of how to optimize content management […]
8 Startups selected for Silicon Valley accelerator Ubi I/O
After running their annual tech tour for 7 years, Ubifrance in partnership with BPIFrance announced that they would be evolving their tour into a 10-week Silicon Valley based accelerator program. The program is supported by both French and Silicon Valley mentors; various supporters including such big names as Yahoo, Logitech, IBM, Oracle, etc who the […]
5 Reasons to get excited about Code in the Dark!
Tonight at Deezer HQ Rude Baguette will welcome 100+ coders and spectators to the second Paris edition of Code in the Dark. Born out of a frustration with how developer events attracted, for the most part, non-developers, Code in the Dark is a competition that pits developer against developer in a pure coding exercise – […]
France’s tech companies’ flagship Criteo is recruiting. Meet them at the Paris Job Fair!
Pursuing its mission to fight unemployment and talents’ misfits, the Rude Baguette is featuring interviews of startups (small and bigger) participating in next edition of the Paris Startup Job Fair. Whether your job is insanely boring, your talent is misunderstood by your boss or you are not so keen on going back to Pôle Emploi, join us […]
Festicket launches its B2B platform for festival organizers, suppliers and affiliates
Festicket, the platform that makes life easier for all live-music lovers, opens the door to a new strategy by offering all its business partners a new platform to track, manage and improve sales. The London-based startup was founded in 2012 by Zacharie Sabban (CEO) and Jonathan Younes (CTO) and aims at gathering on one platform a booking […]
NEXT Berlin launches call for candidates for its Startup-Pitch
NEXT Berlin, Berlin’s first conference for the digital economy in Berlin, is kicking-off its call for candidates for its Startup-Pitch competition. Finalists will present their start-up on one of the main stages on 5-6 of May at NEXT14 and take home a super attractive prize package. The jury is top-notch, composed of renowned entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and […]
Lengow’s eCommerce Day is back on April 3rd
After a hugely successful first edition last year, Lengow, France’s leading eCommerce SaaS solutions startup, brings their eCommerce Day back to Paris’ Tapis Rouge on April 3rd. The objective of eCommerce Day is to bring together all the major eCommerce players so that they can respond to eCommerce vendors’ most pertinent questions, propose new, innovative services, […]
Cap Digital showcases some of France’s hottest up-and-coming music startups
In the final article in my highlights from MIDEM series, I talk to Elisabeth Racine of Cap Digital, the French non-profit business cluster for digital content and services, about their work with some of France’s biggest up-and-coming music startups. This year, Cap Digital in conjunction with La French Tech had a big presence at the […]