Want your app on the top of the French App Store? 8000€ will do, says TradeMob.

A recent infographic released by app marketing platform TradeMob has affirmed not only that there is a price on each country’s top charts, but that it’s variable per country. The study examined the cost per install of each country, the ‘organic lift’ in gaming and non-gaming sectors, and the number of installs required to make it […]

Internet of Things startup Netatmo raised 4.5M€ for its connected weather station

Internet of Things startup Netatmo raised 4.5M€ for its connected weather station

French startup Netatmo announced that it has raised 4.5 million € from Iris Capital, FSN PME, and Apple’s former MD of Europe, Pascal Cagni. The startup, which made an appearance at CES 2013 earlier this year, produces internet-enabled air quality & temperature sensors for the inside of the home, and allows the user to track the information […]

Sunrise raises $2.2M to reinvent the calendar on mobile

Sunrise raises $2.2M to reinvent the calendar on mobile

Mobile Calendar app Sunrise announced on their blog that they have raised $2.2M from a slew of VCs(Resoluto, NextView, Lerer, etc.) and Angels (Dave Morin, Hunter Walk, Loic Le Meur, etc.). Founded by Pierre Valade and Jeremy Le Van, this round of investment validates the praise the currently iOS-only app has been getting as the first […]

Shopmium raises $5.6M Series B from Ventech, Accel & ISAI to crack retail shopping & mobile

Mobile promotions startup Shopmium has announced a $5.6M Series B from Ventech as well as previous investors Accel Partners & ISAI. Founded in September 2011 by Eli Curetti, Quentin de Chivré and Philippe Cantet, the startup previously raised $2.1M from Accel & ISAI in order to connect shoppers and their mobile phones, and it seems they’ve had some […]

Meanwhile in France: Apple to pay 5 Million € in unpaid taxes on 2011 iPads sales

Apple’s been in the spotlight quite a lot recently, and it seems that the company with $137 Billion as of January 2013 just can’t get a break. The French association SACEM, which controls royalties paid out to authors, announced this week that Apple failed to pay 5 Million euros in royalties taxes on iPads sold […]

In 2012, Mobile service prices dropped 11% due to Free Mobile (of course)

Free’s entry into the mobile space continues to profoundly transform the French mobile space. According to 2012 figures from ARCEP, mobile contract prices in France dropped 11,4% in 2012 pretty much entirely due to the Free effect. This drop was consistent when looking at mobile contract pricing (with engagement), which declined 12%. For mobile services […]

With 700K€ from Alven Capital, KelDoc launches an iOS app to schedule appointments with your doctor

Fresh off a seed round investment of 700K€ from Alven Capital, Paris-based KelDoc has released an iPhone App allowing users to quickly find a doctor in their neighborhood. The first version of the launch is available for just the Paris region, and focuses specifically on dentists, but the value added is quite apparent from the first […]

Dassault Systèmes hands over $205M to acquire California-based 3D Design Software maker Apriso

Dassault Systèmes announced today that it has acquired California-based Apriso, which provides manufacturing software solutions, for $205M, in order to enrich its 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The acquisition will allow Dassault to expand its offerings “across multiple industries, such as consumer goods, packaged goods, high-tech, life sciences, transportation & mobility, aerospace & defense and industrial equipment.” “This acquisition […]

Crowdfunding platform KissKissBankBank launches their next product, HelloMerci, for not-so micro loans

KissKissBankBank has long been a success story of the French startup world – its crowdfunding platform for creative projects is doing well, and their business model is working well for them – revenue from the projects themselves (they keep a percentage), plus sponsorship. When we spoke to them for the first time, CEO Vincent Ricordeau […]

Mobile ebook producer Gutenberg Technology raises another €2 miliion round

Breaking today in Journal du Net Gutenberg Technology, which is the parent company of digital book platform Lelivrescolaire.fr, announced that they just closed on a new €2 million round with a group of angel investors. This €2 million comes on the heels of a €2.2 million round that they raised last year. This additional funding […]