M2M Telecom startup SIGFOX names former Areva CEO as President
Toulouse-based Internet of Things startup SIGFOX has appointed the former CEO of Areva, France’s largest provider of nuclear energy, as President of the company. Anne Lauvergeon will lead SIGFOX’s 60-person team as they continue on their mission to become a multinational telecom company dedicated to the Internet of Things, an objective the company has already […]
Could the Internet of Everything Save the French Economy?
The following Guest Post was co-written by Nicolas Colin(@Nicolas_Colin), founding partner at TheFamily & Laetitia Vitaud (@VitoLae), teacher (prépa HEC & Sciences Po) and blogger. Low-cost sensors, increased computer power, wireless connectivity and intelligent software have created new uses and possibilities in energy conservation, public transportation, health care, domotics and food distribution. New “smart” devices equip homes […]
France joins the Open Gov Partnership to develop its open data strategy
Today, Marylise Lebranchu, Minister of Decentralisation and State reform announced at La Conférence de Paris that France is joining the Open Gov Partnership. France is the 64th country to join the international initiative to promote Open Government OGP is an “international platform for domestic reformers committed to making their governments more open, accountable, and responsive to […]
RudeVC: Stickers-as-a-Service is the new SaaS
LINE’s creators market finally opened up last week allowing third parties and independent illustrators to submit their sticker collections for distribution on the Line’s messenger app. In case you haven’t heard yet, there’s a sticker revolution going on. A recent article in Le Figaro deems the business still-as-yet unrecognized, but entrepreneurs know better. With all […]
10 Sci-Fi Connected Objects that came true
I’m sure that, like me, you’ve always been wondering what the he** the hundreds of genius-engineers from Google or NASA can be doing all day long in their top-secret labs? Well, my theory is they are watching Sci Fi movies. Take the Internet of Things for example: a lot of connected objects that we are […]
KO for the mobile web ?
In a widely circulated piece last week entitled The Decline of the Mobile Web, Chris Dixon touches on a fashionable debate that suggests that the mobile web is in, well, decline, at the hands of the new walled gardens known as the app stores. In other words, that universal cycle of life that has been […]
Microsoft search guru Frank Fuchs talks Cortana & the future of search
Lengow wrapped-up another highly successful edition of its eCommerce Day last week. While the event focused squarely on the practical, giving eCommerce vendors tip and tools to improve their business, they also offered some insights into new innovations affecting the sector via a keynote by Frank Fuchs, Microsoft’s top European OSS Evangelist and well-known search […]
Great Gamification Examples: 2048 and Girlfriendly.
Who does gamification well? Do you need to always include leaderboards and other jedi-mind tricks to make sure your application sticks and is downloaded, used, and talked-about by millions of people? Not necessarily, it really depends on what your specific goals’ for your app are and the demographics you are targeting. Here are two apps […]
Study finds France lags other countries in mobile device screen time
A study just released by Millward-Brown, confirms what many had been predicting for sometime – while we, unsurprisingly, live in a multi-screen world, mobile devices now account for almost half of daily screen time use across the world. The far-reaching study was conducted with 12k multi-screen users (those having access to a TV and/or smartphone […]
The limit(ation)s of Connected Devices
I am absolutely fascinated with the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. This mystery gives us a perfect window into how we view, react, and interact with technology and our ability to make up stories to explain the data. I am not talking about stories in the sense of the bedtime lullaby that we tell […]