France excels at R&D, but Academia is overdue for disruption
Resident PHD- holder Regis Behmo explores the idea that, while R&D is constantly paving the way for new inventions, startups, and advancements, it seems that Academia itself could use a little disruption.
Game On: France's games industry
The market for online, social-network, and mobile games has been on fire over the last several years. It has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry and is expected to continue its rapid growth for the foreseeable future, particularly in Europe (see recent studies on the sector here and here). Of course the key questions we […]
Recruiting a developer in France [SERIES 4/4] – Making the offer
In previous articles, we’ve talked about creating a job profile, getting it seen by the right people, selecting CV’s, and doing interviews. Our final installment talks about making actual offers to candidates, and the responsibilities, cost, and risks as an employer. Step 1 – Know your real cost The real cost of employing someone is […]
Loic & Geraldine announce LeWeb London theme: "Faster than Realtime"
Checking in from Coachella today, Loic & Geraldine announced their theme for LeWeb London – Faster than Real Time. Drawing inspiration from Jeremiah Owyang (most likely from this blog post). Citing Highlight and Voxer as examples, the theme discusses being ‘fast’ in two senses – not only connecting people quicker than ever, but the entrepreneurial swiftness […]
The (QUICK) Rise of Social Gifting in France
A while back I spoke about the rise of social shopping in France – three french companies with relative amounts of funding are all working on making the smartphone a perfect companion to shopping: grocery lists, coupons and reminders all on the phone. The subject interested me, because I still write down my grocery lists […]
A Better Mousetrap: Analysis of the Startup Genome Project
Digging into the Startup Genome Project's recentl publication, Trista Bridges explores the implication behind the statistics, as well as the implications, necessities, advantages and woes of copycatting in Europe.
Recruiting a developer in France [SERIES 3/4] – Getting your Job in Front of the right People
The previous articles in this series discussed the creation of a job profile and performing a job interview. In this article, we’ll talk about getting your job posting to your target audience – the job seekers. First Option: Use a Recruiter Now here’s a tough question. Recruiters are expensive. They will ask 10-15% of the […]
Does France needs its own JOBS Act?
Here in France, we're seeing evidence of a similar surge in interest in early-stage deals.
The Disruption and Renewal of Sakura
As style entrepreneur and design authority Tyler Brûlé once astutely observed, it’s always a good time to visit Tokyo. I had the honor of spending the past week there on a business trip, which by stroke of good fortune, coincided with a week of cherry blossoms (sakura) in full bloom. Appreciation of the fleeting moment […]
Reading into ISAI's Second Fund
ISAI recently announced the raising of a second funded, with the mandate of investing in economically stable internet companies.