
#FrenchTechFriday : Archive Valley joins 9 other startups at the Berlinale
Back in August 2018, we had introduced Archive Valley: a French startup dedicated to providing archive footage to filmmakers. It’s only been a few months but they have been very busy indeed. And they are starting year 2019 with an invitation at the Berlinale. Getting the numbers up at Archive Valley Archive Valley […]
French startup Ledger wins Cyber Security Award at the CES 2019
When it comes to crypto-currencies, getting them is only half the battle. The other half is storing them and keeping them safe. There are many stories of unfortunate crypto-currency holders who misplaced fortunes. Several options exist to safeguard your crypto-currency and the most successful one just got a cool update. Ledger: one of […]
#FrenchTechFriday : go to warp speed with Starnode
Today’s French Tech Friday startup does a very simple thing: it can run your asynchronous javascript functions in parallel. Ok, I might have hit you a bit hard there… How about we start at the beginning and discover all about StarNode. What on earth is Node.Js? Our story starts with Node.Js and […]
Microsoft’s move to please devs: free private GitHub!
Last year’s acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft got quite a few standing in opposition on their hind heels. The Redmond giant is known for its opposition to open-source. And developers are known for their approval of open-source. Hence the fierce statements when the acquisition announcement was made. To start the year, Microsoft sends a nice […]
FRENCHTECHFRIDAY: Moovency has all the right moves
As French Tech startups get ready to fly off to Las Vegas for the CES, let’s take a closer look at one of them. Moovency was “born” only two months ago but gets ready to change industry methods, for good. Work ergonomics and RSI RSI, or repetitive strain injury, is a sneaky type […]
Net neutrality: France is world champion
Arcep (independent French agency in charge of regulating telecommunications in France) has launched the app, Wehe. It evaluates if an internet provider respects net neutrality. After the first series of analysis, France is far ahead with positive results. Net neutrality (or network neutrality) is a principle of digital governance. All internet content must have […]
10 Promising SaaS Startups to look out for in 2019
Building a startup from the ground up is a challenging feat. In fact, it’s a well-known fact that 90% of new startups fail. However, this hasn’t discouraged thousands of ambitious entrepreneurs to try to bring their ideas to life year after year. 2018 has brought us some awesome startups that are here to stay – […]
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Mobile Technology
In today’s smartphone market, competing technologies are under substantial pressure to establish a lasting innovation advantage which will make their phone ‘smarter’ than rivals’. It’s not easy to stand out. Whatever ardent Android and iPhone platform users say, most phones in the same price segment come equipped with much the same hardware and software which […]
#FrenchTechFriday: read your way to a better life with Glose
Reading is one of the few activities that are both enjoyable and essential. But if picking up a book is an obvious past-time for some, it is a dreaded moment for others. French startup Glose wants to be there on both occasions. The various joys of reading For those who have had the […]
Google kills off Google + even sooner than expected
Last October, Google announced they were sunsetting the consumer version of Google + following some privacy breaches and low usage. The deadline was August 2019. Because of yet another bug, the demise will come earlier. One bug too many A new bug was discovered following the November update. Once again, it affects […]
#FrenchTechFriday: Keep your home private with Snips
Personal assistants have made their way into our homes. We have opened our doors to Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook… We are giving them the key to our most best-kept secret: our family. And we pay for it with private information. French startup Snips wants to take to nosing out of voice assistants with strong […]
5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Choosing Tech for your Business
Garnering productivity improvements from new technology without falling foul of the risks The fact that 68% of technology projects fail to meet their goals shows that in-house IT staff can’t indiscriminately choose a solution and be sure that it will be successful when implemented. The pressure to get these things right is substantial. Consider the […]
You can’t tell human from AI with Google Duplex
Google’s annual I/O conference was dominated by the announcement of Google Duplex. Duplex is an artificial intelligence that is able to make phone calls to businesses for a consumer. The purpose of Duplex is to make appointments, place orders or even cancel reservations. Google’s Duplex mimics the way a real person would speak, marking […]
The Race for Autonomy: Europe, North America and Self-Driving Cars
Autonomous cars are on everyone’s mind these days — for both good and bad reasons. While it may seem like many of the biggest names in the industry — Google, Tesla, Uber, etc. — are located in the United States, North America is actually lagging behind when it comes to autonomous car regulations […]