Search results for: tax
360° Capital Partners long awaited new fund
Earlier this month, It was reported that 360° Capital Partners had raised a new fund of 60 million euros. Originally announced on Les Echos, the fund will be making seed stage investments of 200K€-1M€, as well as more classic series A/B tickets of 2M€-5M€. According to Emmanuele Levi, an associate at the VC firm, at […]
Rhou! The #geonpi movement closes officially
With the PLF2013 approved in the National Assembly, and with the Senate set to vote on it the week of November 22nd, the #geonpi Facebook page announced today that it would close its Facebook page. Thanking the 70K+ fans of the page for their support in the 30 days since the page’s creation, the page noted […]
Elaia Partners closes 45M€ fund for seed stage
Elaia Partners announced this morning a closing of a new 45M€ fund, Elaia Alpha. The fund is dedicated to seed stage startups, and while a part of it will be dedicated to investing 500K€-1M€ tickets to startups raising a seed stage around, there will also be a portion of the fund dedicated to investing smaller tickets […]
RIP French Super Angels: don't fall in the new funding trap
Jerome Camblain runs Camblain Advisory in London he also angel-invest in French and UK startups for over 15 years. You can follow him on twitter at @CamblainAdvisor. The French recent tax changes and its effects on the startups ecosystem have been commented a lot, and rightly so. The first money you raise, whether you call it “Love Money”, […]
Mixed Feelings about Pellerins SayOuiToFrance Speech
Yesterday at MIT’s EmTech, an annual conference focused on emerging technologies and their impact, Minister of the Digitale Economy Fleur Pellerin gave a speech entitled: France as an Incubator of Innovation. During the talk, Pellerin announced the launch of (yeah, I’m also shocked that domain was available), an English-language site which looks to encourage businesses to invest in […]
Mixed messages In French Innovation Ad in NYTimes
New Yorkers and readers around the world woke up Tuesday morning to find a full-page ad in the New York Times advertising France’s legal propensity for innovation and entrepreneurship. The ad, original pointed out by ISAI GM & #geonpi spokesperson Jean-David Chamboredon, received a fair amount of attention, perhaps because it came out on the […]
SNJV shares Game Sector employment trends
Earlier this week, SNJV, France’s leading games association, announced the results of a detailed study on the employment environment in France’s games sector [FR]. The study was conducted in partnership with talent management firm Opcalia and builds on intial work by Capital Games. Approximately 100 game studios / companies participated the study, which ran from September 2011 […]
Tariq Krim has 5 ideas to Disrupt France
There’s been much debate this week across the media about whether the government’s digital agenda as presented by Fleur Pellerin is truly proposing anything new and, with initiatives such as ParisTechCity, whether it might actually be going in the wrong direction. While it’s true that it’s undoubtedly positive that digital economy is playing such a […]
Paris Capitale Startup is a Huge Mistake by Pellerin
While a battle rages on between entrepreneurs & investors against the government’s proposed laws, dubbed The Pigeon Movement, Minister of the Digital Economy Fleur Pellerin has announced today her intention to build a tech hub for Paris. According to La Tribune, Fleur Pellerin has been inspired by London’s £10 Billion project “UK Tech City,” which […]