Search results for: tax

Rude VC: To IPO or not to IPO? – Going public in France

Forgive the bastardization of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, because when it comes to French tech IPO’s, one could argue that MacBeth is more appropriate (“Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble…”). In my last two columns we reviewed the basics of IPO’s and examined some of the challenges that venture-backed companies like Facebook confront in […]

Paris & Berlin – The tale of two cities (Part 2: The Startup Ecosystem)

In last week’s post I compared Paris and Berlin from a macro-economic and historical perspective. This time I want to share my analysis on the start-up ecosystem. My conclusion upfront: Paris has a very active start-up community, but Berlin wins the battle. See why below: Paris is the world’s capital! Paris is the world’s most […]

How the Internet and Open Data play into the policies of the new French government

After confirming the structure of his new government last week,  newly appointed Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault kicked-off his tenure by announcing that of all members of new government have signed on to a far-reaching code of ethics.  One of the key themes contained within the code of ethics is transparency around government policies and actions which […]

Uber competitor Chauffeur Prive launches in France. One Solution – Private Driver Race.

This past week I was surprised to see a new twitter account picking up some steam in the twittervers – when I finally looked into who @ChauffeurPrive was, I saw it was, in fact, an Uber competitor – and I mean, an über competitor. Having never tried either one of these services (the metro still […]

Rude VC: Intro to IPOs: US vs. France

If you’ve been reading the French press recently, you are no doubt aware that this week represents the start of a new adventure… I’m of course referring to the imminent road show for Facebook’s IPO.  Already affecting a billion people on the planet, and probably 100% of RudeBaguette readers, Facebook strikes me as the perfect […]

The Tech All Stars competition is sending European startups to LeWeb, Founders Forum, and more!

The EU Commission is the latest to announce a competition for European Startups. A two-day program in London, Tech All Stars will pick twelve startups to receive all the benefits and connections that the EU Commission has in the tech/finance industry.

Line politicians up side-by-side on every issue with

With the Second round of voting just around the corner, the more the forty percent of French voters who voted for neither Hollande nor Sarkozy in the first round of voting may be wondering which candidate best lines up with their views. Voxe, a politics platform, thinks it has the solution, by offering users the […]

France falls below average on Internet contribution to GDP

It’s evident that over the last 15 years or so the Internet has completely transformed the way we lead our lives, but how has it affected our economies? This question has been looked at in several studies and articles over the years, but one conducted recently by BCG provided some perspective on just how far […]

Rude VC: Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic

Pardon the overused cliché, but I figured it was appropriate to pay homage to the 100-year anniversary of the Titanic’s fatal voyage since every media outlet seems to be doing so (my favorite was The Onion’s commemorative tribute in applying its rarely-used 100-point font to the headline). But the equivalent of rearranging deck chairs on […]

Recruiting a developer in France [SERIES 4/4] – Making the offer

 In previous articles, we’ve talked about creating a job profile, getting it seen by the right people, selecting CV’s, and doing interviews. Our final installment talks about making actual offers to candidates, and the responsibilities, cost, and risks as an employer. Step 1 – Know your real cost The real cost of employing someone is […]