All posts in etalab
OpenDataSoft announces deal with French cloud provider Numergy
OpenDataSoft, a fast-growing startup in the area of publishing, visualizing and sharing OpenData online, has just announced a partnership with ‘French cloud’ provider Numergy. The partnership will make OpenDataSoft available on Numergy, aka France’s ‘sovereign cloud’, enabling both their public and private clients to put the information utilized in OpenDataSoft’s solution in a cloud environment that […]
The 4 pronged approach France is taking to Open Data
Back at the last G8 summit in June of this year, the G8 member states signed on to the Open Data Charter, whereby all of the member states pledged their commitment to “open economies, open societies and open governments as the basis of lasting growth and stability”. France has moved quite quickly to demonstrate their strong […]
Etalab & The future of Open Data in France
In this week’s newsletter, we discussed the government’s apparent decision to reorganize and potentially put the breaks on Etalab, France’s Open Data project. After about week of confusion about what really was going on with Etalab, it seems that project is not ending, but transforming into something else that is not yet completely defined. According to their […]
Here are the Six Open Data Winners of Etalab's Dataconnexions Contest
This afternoon, open data enthusiasts gathered at the Orange Lab Headquarters to hear the results of Dataconnexion’s first open data contest of the year. The contest held applications from March until April 15th, inviting startups, people with ideas, and others to submit their open data idea, which was judged by a jury of open data […]