All posts in Interview
Drivy founder Paulin Dementhon: “Berlin is quite unique worldwide”
Last week French peer-to-peer car sharing platform Drivy launches its service in Germany. I met Drivy founder Paulin Dementhon and German Country Manager Gero Graf for an interview on Drivy’s plans for the future, Berlin’s advantages and the share economy. Tobias Schwarz: What is Drivy? How does it work? Paulin Dementhon: Drivy is a peer-to-peer […]
Gilles Babinet: Entrepreneur, Investor, Politician
In one of the first conferences I attended in France, Failcon France, I got the opportunity to see an interview with Gilles Babinet. At the time, I didn’t know Xavier Niel from Professor Xavier, let alone who Gilles Babinet was, but whenever an entrepreneur-turned investor gives you an account of his experiences & thoughts, you […]
Interview with Hypeed's Nicolas Metzke: sometimes an exit is just an exit
From Apple to to, Nicolas Metzke has certainly seen his fair share of the startup world. Having recently sold his startup, I wanted to take the chance to talk about his experiences, his lessons learned, and to catch a quick preview of what we can expect in the future. While most startupers think […]
Philippe Laval: Turning a Nice-To-Have into a Must-Have
For the past few months, I have been using a service called WriteThat.Name. It’s a pretty nifty “nice-to-have” service – not quite a “must-have” – and it has one interesting property: once you use it, it works so well you forget you use it. To put it simply, WriteThat.Name manages your email address book. Anytime […]
Mathieu Lhoumeau raised $0 Million for Contract Live
Scrolling through startup articles, it almost seems like we’re being told interesting information. After all, articles include verbs, like Raises (funds) and there are big shiny numbers, like 20 Million – we read through the rewritten press release, and the author might even give their executive opinion on the product. From a journalist’s point of […]