All posts in MediaMetrie
Increased Smartphone Adoption in France fueled by Free Mobile
According to the annual French digital economy barometer conducted by the Unversity of Paris-Dauphine and Médiamétrie, France’s digital economy, continues to demonstrate impressive growth. However, there are definitely a few areas of opportunity, and some watch-outs that need to be address. Here are a 3 key takeaways: The smartphone boom is evidence that competition can […]
Does France like Shazam more than Twitter?
Twitter has been slowly gaining more and more momentum in France. As with other countries around the world, France definitely started to tune into the power of Twitter - especially with the political uprisings in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. And to show just how tuned-in France was to the power of the social web, Sarkozy even held the first-ever eG8 Forum in Paris May to address the role of the Internet in society with numerous digital experts from around the