All posts in Michelin
USA, Japan and France make up 85 of 2012 Top 100 Global Innovators
Thomson Reuters released their annual list of the Top 100 Global Innovators of 2012, and once again the USA, Japan & France have dominated the list, making up 85 of the 100 companies selected. Representing 47% of th list, USA continues to dominate in the IP market, up from 40% in 2011. Japan slipped from […]
Michelin (finally) launches online restaurant guide, ignores startups
I remember in 2010, Marc Simoncini said that 2011 would be “the year of mobile” for his online dating company, Meetic. At the time, I giggled. A whopping 4 years after the launch of the iPhone and Meetic was finally turning to mobile as its new platform? Well done. But earlier this week when France’s […]