All posts in Neelie Kroes
[VIDEO] “Hello Startups!” – Neelie Kroes tells European entrepreneurs to make their voices heard
This week Neelie Kroes, VP of the European Commission and in charge of the EC Digital Agenda, addressed European entrepreneurs in a YouTube video posted to her official YouTube Page. The video calls upon European entrepreneurs as an essential part of the European economic recovery, saying that “your professors and politicians need to remember you are […]
Neelie Kroes’ European Leaders Club is bringing sexy back to entrepreneurship in Europe – is that enough?
Last week, Commissioner Neelie Kroes welcomed nine entrepreneurs to Brussels for the first meeting of the European Leaders Club. Armed with experience and the desire to bring Europe “up to code” with the rising digital economy, the club hopes to bring to light some of the strongest issues in the European Startup Scene. Baptized the […]
European Commission cuts 2020 Digital Agenda budget by 90%
Coming on the heels of Liam’s adventures in the hallowed halls of the European Commission and just in time for one of telecoms biggest events of the year, the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, comes some disappointing news from Neelie Kroes, the European Commissioner for Digital Agenda. In the midst of the tough EU budget deal negotiations, some […]
Today I’m pitching the European Commission for 80 Billion Euros for my startup, Europe.
This afternoon I’m making my way north from Paris to Brussels, the capital of the European Union and home of the European Commission. There I’ll be giving a workshop to Neelie Kroes, the very outspoken Vice President of the European Commission who has spoken about Europe’s need to build startups that stay in Europe. “Start […]
European Commission strategy for tech startups: Start in Europe, Stay in Europe
Neelie Kroes, Vice-President for the Digital Agenda of the European Commission, ended the second day of LeWeb, talking about the European Commission’s strategy for supproting European tech startups. The talk was part of an ambitious action plan by the European Commission, currently being studied with input from the European startup scene, which will be presented in […]
Hadopi: What SOPA looks like from the Eiffel Tower
Last week, the US looked a lot more like France than it usually does, thanks to the uproar caused by SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). I probably don’t need to remind anyone reading this that the internet was flooded with the protesting voices of companies like Wikipedia, Google, Reddit and more against the would-be anti-piracy law. […]