All posts in Nitrogram

With Instagram Ads, analytics provider Nitrogram prepares to track Ad performance

The talk this week has been around Instagram Ads: what they are worth, user reactions, what comes next (hint: video). The banter feels a bit forced, given that the reaction has become more-or-less standard for any change made to a social network, especially one that revolves around making money; however, Instagram has made its decision […]

Teleportd to sunset side products, 2013 is the year of Nitrogram

Teleportd to sunset side products, 2013 is the year of Nitrogram

Fresh off of a round of funding, Teleportd, the startup behind Nitrogram, seems to be doubling down on its Instagram analytics solution. The startup sent out an email to its Capsules users last week announcing that its photo-embedding solution (which we’ve been using for months now) will no longer be available, but, instead, will become […]

Teleportd raises $1M with Nitrogram – Instagram Analytics

Teleportd raises $1M with Nitrogram – Instagram Analytics

I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I told you so. Teleportd are announcing today that they have raised $1 million from Connect Ventures, Betaworks (Bitly, SocialFlow, Chartbeat), as well as CEO Joe Cohen & CEO Taavet Hinrikus. Teleportd is a Seedcamp graduate, and while the company is technically a UK […]