All posts in tracking
#FRENCHTECHFRIDAY : pick the perfect time to call back with Tilkee
Setting out to reach customers is a hard task. It involves a lot of trial and error. Am I calling back too soon (and seems pushy)? Am I too late (and the customer has already forgotten about me)? Is my current workflow highly effective, or can I do better? Thanks to French startup Tilkee, you […]
Festicket launches its B2B platform for festival organizers, suppliers and affiliates
Festicket, the platform that makes life easier for all live-music lovers, opens the door to a new strategy by offering all its business partners a new platform to track, manage and improve sales. The London-based startup was founded in 2012 by Zacharie Sabban (CEO) and Jonathan Younes (CTO) and aims at gathering on one platform a booking […]