All posts in data
La start-up d’analyse de données Dataiku lève 101 millions $
En plein essor mondial, la jeune pousse française Dataiku impose son outil d’analyse de données, accessible, modulable et intuitif. Pour soutenir cette réussite, la start-up vient de lever un peu plus de 100 millions de dollars Si, pour les start-up de la French Tech, le développement sans levées de fonds fait de plus en plus […]
Has Twitter violated the GDPR?
Five months following the launch of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), Twitter becomes the target for the first time. The social network has refused to tell a researcher how its data was used. Google and Facebook have led the way and are already investigated by European regulators. All regarding mishaps in the GDPR. […]
Personal Data: Twitter sentenced in first instance in France for « unfair terms »
UFC-Que Choisir, a French consumer organization, has won its first battle against the unfair terms of internet giants regarding personal data. Twitter must now produce an emergency revision of its terms. UFC-Que Choisir took legal action against several internet giants (Facebook, Google, Twitter) for « unfair terms » in their terms and conditions of use (TCU). […]