All posts in Sky
After a tough fight, Comcast buys Sky for $33 billion
Following three rounds of bidding (that’s exceptional), Comcast won over Disney-21st to take ownership of Sky. Sky is the European leader in Pay TV. The goal is to challenge Netflix or Amazon Prime. The battle was long, bitter and with many developments. But the prize was worth it. Sky is a network of satellite […]
Après un rude combat, Comcast rachète Sky pour 33 milliards de dollars
Après trois tours d’enchères (fait rarissime), Comcast l’a emporté devant Disney-21st Century Fox pour s’adjuger Sky, le leader européen de la télévision payante. Objectif : concurrencer Netflix ou Amazon Prime. La bataille a été longue, âpre, riche en rebondissements. La prise en valait la chandelle : Sky est un réseau de bouquets satellite, numéro 1 en […]